140 ON A DEEP CHANNEL OF DRIFT E. roseana. Common on Slopes. The larvae are abundant in teazle-heads ; often in those tenanted also by P. gentiana. Xanthosetia zoegana and X. hamana. Slopes, &c. Chrosis alcella. Sea-wall; common and variable. Lobesia reliquana. Eastwood 5 common. Argyrolepia hartmanniana. Eastwood; rare in swampy places. A. zephyrana. Slopes, Sea-wall and River-wall; very common. A. aeneana. Slopes; rare. Conchylis dipoltella. Sea-wall; rare. C. francillana. Slopes, Sea-wall and River-wall; common. C. dilucidana. Potteries. C. smeathmanniana. Slopes; rare. C. straminana. Slopes and Sea-wall, and in lanes. ON A DEEP CHANNEL OF DRIFT IN THE VALLEY OF THE CAM, ESSEX. By WILLIAM WHITAKER, B.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., of the Geological Survey of England and Wales. [The following is an abstract of a paper (read before the British Association, at the Newcastle meeting) which Mr. Whitaker intends to submit to the Geological Society. Some of the facts have already been given in Mr. Whitaker's paper, "Some Essex Well-sections (Part II.)," in the Essex Naturalist. This abstract is published by kind permission of the author.—Ed.] Well-sections have given us much information as to the deep- seated geology of the London Basin and of the rising up of older beds beneath the Cretaceous beds. We have now like evidence of an occurrence of the opposite kind, the deep sinking down of Drift beds. In Scotland and in northern England, long and deep channels filled with Drift have been noticed, but not in southern England. There are, however, evidences of some such occurrences in Western Norfolk, though not to the depth of the channel now in question. For some years, one deep well-section has been known which showed a most unexpected thickness of Glacial Drift in the higher part of the valley of the Cam, where that Drift occurs mostly on the higher grounds and is of no very great thickness. Lately further evidence has come to hand, showing that the occurrence in question is not confined to one spot, but extends for some miles. Details of