183 ON SOME RECENT SUBSIDENCES NEAR STIFFORD, ESSEX. By T. V. HOLMES, F.G.S., M.A.I., President, Geologists' Association, and Vice- President, E.F.C. [Read July 12th, 1889.] On the occasion of our recent visit to Brentwood, Mr. J. B. Ogle, a member of the Geologists' Association, kindly informed me that some singular subsidences had shown themselves in the neighbour- hood of Stifford during the month of May, which he thought I would be glad to see. I, accordingly, visited them on May 21st, accom- panied by Mr. Ogle and Mr. Frank, of the Lodge, Stifford, the latter gentleman having been good enough to provide a ladder, candles, &c., to aid our descent and exploration. About 10 ft. from the hedge, on the western side of the road between Grays and Stifford, just at the point where the parish boundary between those places comes from the east, and takes a Fig. 1. Plan showing position of the Stifford Subsidences. Scale 6 inches to 1 mile. S, Subsi- dences ; P B, Parish Boundary; F P, Foot-path; P G, Plateau Gravel ; .O C P, Old Chalk Pits.