IN THE OLDEN TIME. 197 " The chase being done, mov'd by friendship's control, The Doctor 13 invites to his cheer ; With humanity ever the guide of his soul, He begged for the life of the deer. " The favor was granted, the buck-cart in view, We drew the faint beast from his lair ; And sent him to Hale End to join with the crew, Once more of their comforts to share. " Now the horns fill'd the air with new strains of delight, And no longer desirous to roam ; To save from the shades of the quick coming night, The hunters rode merrily home." Our jovial poet then sings of the delights of a now almost forgotten, "sport," Badger Hunting, as once practised in Epping Forest:— " Badger Hunting in Essex. " At the back of Old Waltham stands high the King's Oak, Once kept by Sam Greatorex, a true-hearted fellow, Some neighbours were met there to laugh, drink, and smoke, To lighten the heart and to make the head mellow. " Our tapster was lord of a warren beside, Long robbed by a badger that wandered by night, Which had forced him that morning a trap to provide, In the hope he might usher the culprit to light. " The guests being pleased at all Philpot had done, Agreed one and all to attend the event ; To rise the next morning before the bright sun And haste to examine what Fortune had sent. " At the grey of the morn, ere Aurora was seen, We were rous'd from our beds of repose ; And being refresh'd with a mug on the green, Went to look for our game-killing foes. " The warren was near, something less than a mile; Our landlord, who longed for the warrener's sport, Was witty, and sang us a song to beguile The time we'd to lose in the needful resort. " At length we arriv'd where the rabbits abound, As each scamper'd away to his burrow, or gap ; But, more to divert us, we presently found A swinging old badger secure in the trap. " We bagg'd him in haste, and return'd whence we came, 'Twere folly a moment of time to delay ; The terriers that follow'd were all of true game, So we bore him all jocund in triumph away. 13 Dr. Fothergill, of East Ham.