222 REPORT ON THE FLOWERING PLANTS GROWING IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF COLCHESTER. ADDITIONS, 1889. By J. C. SHENSTONE, F.R.M.S. Referring to my reports in the Essex Naturalist, vol. i, pp. 22—35, and vol. ii, p. 34, I may add that I have received the following records of plants found growing in my district during 1889: — Drosera rotundifolia, L. This plant still occurs at Tiptree ; it was found this year by Miss King and by Mr. T. B. Cato. Sparganium neglectum, Beeby. Miss M. Gripper has kindly forwarded specimens of the ripe fruit of Sparganium occurring in a pond, and in the Brook at Layer Breton. These all prove to be S. neglectum. It would be interesting if members would collect the ripe fruit of Sparganium plants from different parts of Essex, with a view of ascertaining the distribution of the present species in the county. The annexed list of Essex plants has been forwarded to me by the Rev. E. F. Linton. The value of the list is self-evident, the larger number of records being of just such forms as would be over- looked by any but the critical botanist. Members of the Club will join with me in hoping that Mr. Linton may repeat his visit to our county frequently. Ranunculus confusus, Godron. Near Frinton. Spergularia neglecta, Kindb. Near Frinton. Lotus tenuis, Waldst. & Kit. Near Frinton. Rubus lindleianus, Lees. Boxted. ,, rusticanus, Merc. Boxted. ,, umbrosus, Auct. (= macuteri nearly). Boxted. ,, leucostachys, Sm. Boxted. ,, macrophyllus, Weihe. Boxted. ,, echinatus, Lindl. Boxted. ,, scabrosus, P. I. Mull. Boxted. Epilobium parviflorum,1 Schreb (probably the form rivulare, Wahl.) Near Frinton. Erythraea littoralis, Fr. Near Frinton. Solanum dulcamara, b. marinum, Bab. Near Frinton. 1 gathered this in a lane between St. Osyth and the coast in August, 1880.—W. Cole.