ON THE UPPER CLAY OF WALTON NAZE. 223 Lamium purpurum, var. decipiens, Sonder. Near Frinton. Atriplex hastata, L. Near Frinton. ,, angustifolia, Sm. Near Frinton. ,, laciniata, L. Near Frinton. ,, babingtonii, Woods. Near Frinton, ,, littoralis, L., and var. marina, L. Near Frinton. Chenopodium paganum, Reich. Near Frinton. Polygonum aviculare, L., var. rurivagum, Jord., var. micro- spermum, Jord., and var. arenastrum, Boreau. Near Frinton. Scirpus tabernaemontani, Gmel. Near Frinton. Avena fatua, b. intermedia, Lindgr. Near Frinton. Sclerochloa distans, Wahlb. Near Frinton. ON THE UPPER CLAY OF WALTON NAZE. By W. H. DALTON, F.G.S. [Read September 14th, 1889.] Much as has been written on the interesting section afforded by the cliff of Walton Naze, there is one point of considerable interest therein which still remains to be solved, and that is the age of the beds which overlie the Crag. The bulk of the literature of the subject 1 refers naturally to the Crag, the London Clay offering no features of interest, except from the point of view of the student of denudation. The clay which forms the subject of the present note offers to the palaeontologist only obscure fragments of wood from a peaty seam, which occurs about the middle of its small thickness. It lies with marked uncon- formity on the Crag, overlapping it at one or two points so as to rest directly on the London Clay. From its lithological character, a fine grey clay, it has been always regarded as Chillesford Clay, and is so spoken of in every account of the section that mentions it at all. Its unconformability with the Crag, as contrasting with the passage between the two that obtains at Chillesford and elsewhere, was readily accounted for by Mr. S. V. Wood, who pointed out 2 that the Crag of this district contains a slightly older congeries of fossils than that of Suffolk, and may have been formed under somewhat different conditions nearer the beginning of the Red Crag period than that 1 See the "List of Works on the Geology of Essex," pp. 61— 86 of this volume. 2 "Quart: Journ : Geol: Soc: vol. xxii. p. 541 [1866].