WITH A CATALOGUE OF THE SPECIES. 271 Clavaria (Holocoryne) pistillaris, Linn. Monk's Wood, Chelmsford. ,, ,, contorta, Holms. Hainault Forest. Calocera viscosa, Fr. Epping. ,, cornea, Fr. Epping, Chingford. Typhula phacorrhiza, Fr. Walthamstow. Pistillaria quisquiliaris, Fr. Loughton. Order VI.—Tremellinei. Tremella foliacea, P. Epping, Fairmead, Theydon. ,, mesenterica, Retz. Epping. „ albida, Huds. Chingford. Exidia glandulosa, Fr. Loughton. Dacrymyces, deliquescens, Duby. Common „ stillatus, Nees. Common. „ chrysocoma, Bull. Epping. Marten at Chingford.—Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S. writes, as follows, under date 13th December :—"You will be interested to hear that at a sale at Stevens', on Tuesday last, December 10th, 'lot 52,' a case of British Weasels, included a fine Marten, stated to have been 'killed at Chingford, Essex.' I went to see it on Monday, and gave a commission to buy it at any price up to £3 3s., intending to present it to the museum of the Essex Field Club, but I have just had a letter from Stevens, informing me that it was not sold, the owner (a Mr. West) having put a reserve price of £10 upon it! I am sorry, as it ought to be in the rooms of your Society. No information other than the above was given in the sale catalogue." Can any of our readers give any information as to the date of capture and precise locality of this supposed Essex Marten P—Ed. 3 The previous list of Epping Forest Hymenomycetes enumerated 338 species only.—Ed.