INDEX TO VOLUME III. Abnormal Forms of Vegetation, Lecture on, 168. Acland, Rev. C. L., on Colchester Museum, 156. Agriculture, Botany in relation to, 228. Albino Rabbit at Hazeleigh, 25. Althorne, plants at, 277, Ancient Monuments, Registration and Preservation of, 91. Antiquities exhibited at Southend Meeting, 280. Archaeological Investigation, danger of Bias in, 110. Arms of Chelmsford exhibited, 155. Ashdon, visit to, 287. Ashingdon, immense congregation of snakes at, 170. Bacteria, Lecture upon, 154. Barometer, Ancient, exhibited, 159. Bartlow Hills, Visit to, 287 ; Notes on, 288. Beaumont, G. F., Custom of Borough English at Maldon, 10. Bees & Bee-keeping, Lecture on, 87. Benfleet, Visit to, 284. Berechurch, Kingfishers' and other nests at, 92. Berkeley, Rev. J. M., the late, 234. Bias, Danger of, in Archaeological Investigation, no. Bibliography of Mineral and Thermal Waters, 198. Bingham, E., Remarks on Pottery from Sible Hedingham, 236-7. Birdbrook, Rough-legged Buzzard at, 39. Birds, attracted to Burning Ricks, 238 ; in Parsons' Collection, 56 ; Nesting in neighbourhood of Leigh, 281; rare, in Essex, 238; Black Red-start, reputed nesting of in Essex, 39. Blackwater Estuary, Geology of, II ; Great Weever hooked in, 188 ; Sea in, 122. Borough English at Maldon, 10. Botany, How to commence study of. 238; at Hadleigh Castle, 284; of Leigh, 282; in relation to Agricul- ture, 228. Boulders, Erratic, in N. W. Essex, 182. Boulger, Prof. G. S., Management of Epping Forest, 166 ; Botany in relation to Agriculture, 228. Brentwood, Geology of, 208. Brown, A. H., Destruction of Ancient Monuments, 199. Browne, Charles, Lecture on Ab- normal Forms of Vegetation, 168. Browne, E. C, Collection of Crag Fossils, 232. Brunetti, E., On Collecting Diptera, 236. Buffaloes, Photographs of, exhibited, 155. Burnham, Shell-bed at, 39; Visit to, 277. Buxton, Sir Fowell, and Mr. E. N.. Gift of "Oakhills" enclosure to Epping Forest, 57, 207. Buzzard, Rough-legged, at Birdbrook, 39. Cam Valley, Deep Channel of Drift in the, 140. Campanula, Abnormal Form of, 168. Cann Valley, Alluvial Deposit in, with list of Mollusca, 1. Canvey Island, 284; plants of, 274. 285. Carp at Maldon, 35. Cat killing and eating Stoat, 93 Catalogue of E. F. C. Library, 234. Celtic Urns discovered at Colchester, 116. Chancellor, F., on Old Chelmsford, 143 ; on Fryerning Church, 205. Charlesworth, E., on Flints from Saffron Walden district, 295.