vi INDEX TO VOLUME III. Chelmsford, Geology of, 171 ; Visit to Museum, 153 ; Natural Hist. and Philosophical Society, Rules of, 155 ; Old Chelmsford, 143. Christy, Miller, on Alluvial Deposit in Cann Valley 1 ; on Pure and Cross- bred Buffaloes, 155 ; Reported Breeding of Scops Owl in Essex, 17. CHRISTY, R. W., Geology of Chelms- ford and List of Mollusca from Allu- vium at Roxwell, 155, 171 ; Unusual Solar Phenomenon, 94. Clarke, Joseph, on Bartlow Hills, 288 ; on Plants peculiar to Essex and on some Plants of Saffron Walden, 274. Clarke, Joshua, Collections of Hum- ming Birds, &c., 291. Clay, Upper, of Walton Naze, 223. Clearings in Epping Forest, 164-5-6. Cockle Industry at Leigh, 283. Coel-Helena Legend, 161-2. Colchester, visit to Castle, 156; dis- covery of Celtic Urns at, 116; Flower- ing Plants growing in neighbourhood of, 222 ; Meeting at, 156. Cole, B. G., Colias in Essex in 1889, 93. Cole, H. A., Cat killing and eating Stoat, 93. Cole, W., An addition to Epping Forest, 57 ; exhibits catalogue of Jekyll's MSS., 160; exhibits natural flint simulating a celt, 235 ; Pottery from Sible Hedingham, 236 ; minute per- forations on ancient pottery from Fryerning, 142. Cole, W., & A. E. Fitch, Results of examination of a Red Hill near Burnham, 163. Coleoptera, Notes on rarer in Colchester district, 163. Colias in Essex in 1889, 93 ; C. edusa in Essex, 198 ; C. hyale and C. edusa at Maldon and Hazeleigh, 122. Colne, White-beaked Dolphin in, 169. Conglomerate, Large Blocks of, at Farnham, 89. Cooke, M. C., Fungi collected in Epping Forest, 234 ; Hymenomy- cetal Fungi of Epping Forest, with Catalogue of Species, 248. Crane, Occurrence of, in Essex, 202. Crag Fossils, in Saffron Walden Mu- seum, 290; Mr. Browne's collection of, 232. Crow-stone, The, 282. Crouch river, Delta of, 278. Crouch, W., exhibits Testacella halio- tidea, 39 ; Sand-grouse in Essex, 92. Cygnets, hatching of, 115. Danbury, A Happy Family at, 247. "Dane-land" of Essex, 279, Dalton, W. H., Fowlness, 239; Alluvial Deposit in Cann Valley, 9 ; Geology of Chelmsford, 177; Geo- logy of Essex, list of works on, 61; Shell-marl at Felstead, 15; Upper Clay at Walton-Naze, 223 Deilephila galii bred from Osey Island larva, 292. "Deserted Village "of Goldsmith, 155. Destruction of Ancient Monuments in Essex, 199 ; of Game and so-called Vermin, 116. Diptera, Collecting, paper on, read, 236. Dolphin, White-beaked, in River Colne, 169. "Doodle Oak" in Hatfield Forest, 225. Downes, A. H., Lecture on Bacteria. Drift, Deep Channel of in Cam valley, 140. Dureant, E., Lecture on Bees, 87. Earthquake, of 1884, probable under- ground effect of, 37, 166; supposed slight shocks at Stebbing and Fel- stead, 88. Earthwork in Weald Park, 211. "Electricity," Dr. Gilberd's use of the word, 165. Elliott, F. W., exhibits nests of Vespa norvegica and V. germanica, 87. Epping Forest, an addition to, 57; dwarf form of Euchloe cardamines in, 170 ; inspection of portions of, 164-6 ; Prionus coriarius in, 35, 198; Rubi of, 20 ; unnecessary drainage of, 235. Erratic Boulders in N.W. Essex, 182. "Essex Calves," 93. Essex, Fifty years ago, 27 ; One hun- dred and Twenty years ago, 21.