INDEX TO VOLUME III. vii Essex Field Club, Annual Meeting, 38 ; Annual Report of Council, 38, 40; Officers and Council for 1889, 38; Hon-Members elected, 38, 87; Cryp- togamic Meeting, 232 ; Meetings at Brentwood, South Weald, &c., 208; at Burnham, Southend, &c, 277 ; at Chelmsford, 143 ; at Colchester, 156 ; at Hatfield Forest and Hyde Hall, 225; at Ingatestone and Writtle Park, 203 ; at Saffron Walden, 286 ; at Walton Naze, 230; Ordinary Meetings, 38, 87, 154, 159, 164, 207, 227, 230, 234, 235, 236, 281, 291; Tea Fund, 39; Treasurer's accounts for 1888, 272. Euchloe cardamines, Dwarf Form of, in Epping Forest, 170. Falconry in Essex, 207. Farnham, Blocks of Conglomerate from, 89. Felstead, Mollusca of Shell-marl, occur- ring at, 11 ; supposed Earthquake at, 88. Fifty Years Ago in Essex, 27. Fishes of Essex, paper read, 162. Fitch, E.A., Albino Rabbit at Haze- leigh, 25 ; Christopher Parsons' Col- lections, 55 ; Colias hyale and C. edusa at Maldon and Hazeleigh, 122 ; Falconry in Essex, 207 ; Great Weever Hooked in Blackwater, 188 ; Another Essex Gullery, 188 ; Heavy Red-legged Partridge, 247; Histori- cal Notices of Short-eared Field Vole, and Short-eared Owl in Essex, 178; Presidential Address, 38, 95 ; Raven in Essex, 219; Rough-legged Buz- zard at Birdbrook, 39 ; Salmon-trout and Carp at Maldon, 35 ; Seal in Blackwater, 122; Snakes, Immense Congregation of, at Ashingdon, 170 ; Story of Maldon Red-breasted Goose, 35 ; White-fronted Goose at Tilling- ham, 25. Fitch, E. A., and W. Cole, Notes on Results of Exploration of Red-hill, near Burnham, 163. Flint Implements from Leyton, 235; from Walton Naze, 159. Flints from Saffron Walden, Peculi- arities of, 295. Flowering Plants, from neighbourhood of Colchester, 222 ; of Epping Forest, 235 ; of Saffron Walden, 274. Flowers, Abnormal, of Lilium and Fuchsia, 292. Foraminifera and Diatoms from Oyster Beds of Essex Coast, 162. Fossil Skeleton at Tilbury, 90. Forster, Frank. Birds Nesting in neighbourhood of Leigh (paper read), 281. Fowlness, 939, 279. French, J., on Mollusca of Shell-marl at Felstead, II. Fryerning, Church, Mr. Chancellor's Notes on, 205 ; Minute Perforations in Ancient Pottery, from, 142. Fungi, Hymenomycetal of Epping Forest, with Catalogue of Species, 248. Fungus Foray, 232. Geology of Brentwood, 208-13 ; of Chelmsford, with List of Mollusca from Alluvium at Roxwell, 171 ; of Essex, List of Works, 61; of London and Thames Valley, by Whitaker, 90, 214; of Maldon and Blackwater Estuary, III ; of South Essex, 214 ; of Walton Naze, 230-2. Geological Photography, 207. Gibbs, John, Abnormal Form of Campanula, 168. Gilberd, Dr., Use of the Word "Elec- tricity," 165 ; Visit to Tomb at Col- chester, 156. Goose, Red-breasted, story of the Maldon, 35 ; White-fronted, decoyed at Tillingham, 25 Greatheed, W., exhibits Shells from Shell-bed at Burnham and Estuary of Thames, 39. Gull, Little, at West Mersea, 170. Gullery, another Essex, 188. Hadleigh Castle, visit to, 283 ; Plants at, 284. Hadstock, visit to, 290 ; Dane's skin on Church door, 290, 292. Hallingbury Church, 226; Little, dis- covery of urns at, 226. Harting, J. E.. Hawks and Hounds in Essex in the olden time, 189 : Marten at Chingford, 271. Harwich, Spotted Red-shank near, 243.