viii INDEX TO VOLUME III. HARWOOD, W H., Notes on rarer Coleoptera found in Colchester dis- trict, 163. Hatfield Forest, visit to, 225. Hatfield Peverel, Manx Shearwater at, 213. Hawks and Hounds in Essex in the olden time, 189. Hazeleigh, Albino rabbit at, 25. Hedingham, Sible, Pottery from, 236-7. Helena, Princess, her connection with Colchester, 161. Hen Harrier in Essex, 36. "Hill House." Burnham, visit to, 278. Historical Notices of Short tailed Field Vole, and Short-eared Owl in Essex, 178. Holman, William, Catalogue of Jekyll's MSS., 160. Holmes, T. V., Geology of Maldon and Blackwater Estuary, 111 ; Geo- logy of South Essex, 214 ; John Ray, the naturalist. 296 ; One hundred and twenty years ago in Essex, 21; Pot- tery from Sible Hedingham, 237; Recent subsidences near Stifford, 183. Howell, Rev. W. C, Dr. Gilberd's use of word "Electricity," 165. Human skin on Church doors, 292. Hundred and twenty, a, years ago in Essex, 21. "Hyde Hall," visit to, 227. Ingatestone, visit to, 203. Jekyll's MSS., Catalogue of, 100. Johnston, Andrew, on Management of Epping Forest, 167. Joslin's, Mr., Museum of Roman An- tiquities, visit to, 157 ; do. Catalogue of, 158. Kenworthy, Rev. J. W., exhibits stone implements, 228. King, H. W , Observations on Hol- man's and Jekyll's MSS., 161. Kingfisher's and other nests at Bere- church, 92. Last, Canon, on history of Ingatestone Hall, 204. Laver, Henry, Destruction of Otters in the Stour, 36 ; Discovery of Celtic Urns at Colchester, 116; exhibits Flint Implements from Lanarkshire and Walton Naze, 159; Fifty Years ago in Essex, 27 ; Fishes of Essex, (paper read) 162; on Dr. Gilberd, 156; on Mr. Joslin's Museum, 157- 8 ; Kingfisher's and other nests at Berechurch, 92 ; Little Gull at West Mersea, 170 ; Osprey at Tollesbury, 88; Spotted Red-shank at Tolles- bury, 93; White-beaked Dolphin in River Colne, 169. Leigh, Cockle industry at, 283 ; Plants at, 282 ; Lepidoptera of, 123 ; visit to Church, 282. Lepidoptera of Leigh and neighbour- hood, 123. Lightning flashes during storm at Woodford, June 6th, 1889, 89. List of Works on Geology of Essex, 61. Local Scientific Societies Conference, 235. Maldon, Colas edusa at, 122 ; Geology of, 111 ; Otter hunting at, 19; Red- breasted Goose at, 35 ; Salmon-trout and carp at, 35 ; Custom of Borough English at, 10. Manx Shearwater at Hatfield Peverel, 213. Maplin Sands, 278. Marten at Chingford, 271. Massee, George, How to commence the study of Botany, 238. Maynard, G. N., Human skin nailed to Church doors, 292 ; on Mazes, 244. Maze at Saffron Walden, &c., 244. Meldola, Prof. R., on Bacteria, 154 ; Probable underground effects of 1884 earthquake, 166 ; Col. Russell's con- tribution to Photography, 117. Mersea, West, Little Gull at, 170. Mill Green, ancient pottery at, 142, 156. Mineral and Thermal Waters, biblio- graphy of, 198. Murie, James, Thames Estuary past and present (lecture), 281. Models of toads, &c., exhibited, 160. Mollusca, in alluvial deposit in Cann Valley, I ; from alluvium at Roxwell, 171 ; of Shell-marl at Felstead, 11 ; from Woodford, 39.