x INDEX TO VOLUME III. Statice bahusiensis at Walton, 232. Stebbing, supposed slight Earthquake at, 88. Stifford, recent subsidences near, 183. Stone Implements from Bishop's Stort- ford, 227. Stone, natural, simulating a Celt, 235. Storm of September 2nd, 1889, 89. Stour, destruction of Otters in, 36. Stratford, Thick-knee and Peregrine at, 36. Swete, Dr., on Ashdon and Assaduna, 287. Taylor, Edward, Exhibits stone implements, 227. Taylor, Dr. J. E., Geology of Wal- ton Naze, 230-32. Ttllina shells from bed in Estuary of Thames, 39. Testacella haliotidea, at Wanstead, 39. Thermometer, ancient, Exhibited, 160. Thick-knee at Stratford 36. Tilbury Man, the, 90. Tobacco growing in Essex, 60. Tollesbury, Osprey at, 88; Spotted Red-shank at, 93. Vanessa antiopa in Essex, 188. Vaughan, Howard, Lepidoptera of Leigh, 123. Vegetation, abnormal forms of (lecture), 168. Vespa norvegica and V. germanica, nests of at Woodford, 87. Vineyards in Essex, 90, 224. Vole, Short-tailed, historical notices of, 178. Walton Naze, Geology of, 230-32 ; Flint implements from, 159 ; Upper Clay of, 223 ; Meeting at, 230. Wanstead, Testacella at, 39. Warley Common, Botany of, 210. Weald Park, visit to, 211. Wealth, suggestion for useful employ- ment of, 142. Weever, Great, 162; hooked in Black- water, 188. Wells at Colchester, sections of, 164; deep, water from, in Essex, 164. Well-sections, some Essex, 44, 164. Whitaker, W., Channel of Drift in Cam Valley, 140; Essex Well-sec- tions, 44, 164 ; "Geology of London and Part of Thames Valley," 90, 214; List of works on Geology of Essex, 61. White, W., Conference of Local Socie- ties, 235 ; exhibits models of toads, &c., and aberration of larva of Sphinx ligustri, 160; remarks on Zeuzera aesculi larva, 236. White-beaked Dolphin in River Colne, 169. White-fronted Goose decoyed at Til- lingham, 25. "White Hart" Inn at Brentwood, 213. Wire, A. P., Flint implements from Layton, and fossil wood from Theydon Bois, 235. Wood, J. M., Manx Shearwater at Hatfield Peverel, 213. Woodford, lightning flashes of Storm at, 89; Mollusca from, 39. Woodward, H. B., on Geology of Brentwood, 209-10. Wrens nesting in dead crow, 25. Wright, Rev. A. R. B., supposed earthquake at Stebbing and Felstead, 88. Writtle Park, visit to, 206. Young, Arthur, "Six weeks tour," &c., 21. Zeuzera aesculi, larva of, 236. ERRATUM. Page 127, line 12 from top, for "1851" read 1857 (?)