18 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Mr. Wire read the list of additions to the Library since the last meeting by donation and purchase, and thanks were voted to the donors. Mr. Fitch exhibited portions of the skeleton of a horse found 12 feet deep in flood gravel of the Chelmer river at Maldon. The whole skeleton was found in digging the foundations of a bridge for the new railway. Another semi- fossil skeleton was found at a considerable depth westward of the London Road, Maldon, in the river end of the new railway cutting. Mr. Walter Crouch exhibited teeth of horse from the river gravel at Barking Side, found 14 feet down, and portions of skeleton and teeth of Bos from the same gravel, 8 feet down. Pottery and other relics had been found in this gravel- pit, upon which Mr. Crouch hoped to report at a future time. The meeting then resolved itself into the 10th Annual General Meeting. The minutes of the 9th Annual Meeting held on January 26th, 1889, were read and confirmed. The Secretary read the Annual Report of the Council for 1889. (See page 21.) Mr. Walter Crouch read the Treasurer's Annual Statement of Account for 1889 (see page 26), which he had prepared, and which had been duly audited by Mr. C. Ridley and himself. After some discussion, the adoption of the Annual Report and Statement of Account was proposed by Mr. N. F. Robarts, seconded by Mr. F. C. Gould, and was carried unanimously. Mr. C. Ridley and Mr. J. H. Porter were nominated as Scrutineers of the ballot for the election of Officers for 1890. To fulfil the requirements of Rule III., the following members retired from the Council at the meeting of January 11th : Dr. Cory, Messrs. G. C. Champion, J. C. Shenstone, and W. White. And at the same meeting the following were proposed for election into the Council, in accordance with Rule VI. : Messrs. B. Corcoran, W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., George Day, F.R.M.S., and J. C. Shenstone, F.R.M.S. No other members having been proposed, these four gentlemen stood as elected at the present meeting, and the election was confirmed. The following were declared by the Scrutineers to have been duly elected as Officers for 1890 : President: Mr. E. A. Fitch, C.C, F.L.S., F.E.S.; Treasurer : Mr. A. Lockyer; Hon. Secretary: Mr. W. Cole; Assistant Hon. Secretary : Mr. B. G. Cole ; Librarian : Mr. A. P. Wire. On the proposal of Mr. Crouch, a very hearty vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Mrs. Royle for the care taken by her in keeping the accounts during Mr. Royle's absence. The Hon. Secretary (Mr. W. Cole) made some observations (unofficial) with regard to the suggested re-adjustment of the rate of subscriptions, which would be brought before the members at the earliest opportunity, and also entered into some explanation of the scheme for the establishment of a local museum at Chelms- ford by the Club and the Essex and Chelmsford Museum. Mr. Cole said it must not be imagined that, if such a scheme were adopted, the Club would lose its widespread character, and become identified with the town of Chelmsford. He was as much opposed to such a change as any one could be, and so far as he could, he would take care that the interests of the metropolitan and the Forest district members were effectually safeguarded by the constitution and rules of the