24 ANNUAL REPORT OF Ingatestone and Writtle Park, at Brentwood and Weald Hall (in conjunction with the Geologists' Association) at Saffron Walden and Bartlow Hills, at Burnham, Southend and Leigh (two days' Meeting) at Bishop's Stortford, Hatfield Forest, and Hyde Hall, at Walton-on-Naze, while the 10th Annual Cryptogamic Meeting was held at Epping and Theydon Bois. At several of the Meetings the utmost kindness was shown to the Club by some of our members. At Writtle Park the Club was received at luncheon by Mr. and Mrs. Colley; at Weald Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Tower treated their visitors with the greatest hospitality and kindness—at Saffron Walden, Mrs. Tuke provided a most refreshing "afternoon-tea" for the members. The Burnham and Southend Meeting was rendered the greatest success of the season by the great hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. John Rogers, and by the loan of the steamer for the trip by Mr. Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, junior. At Hyde Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Mann again extended their lavish hospitality to the Club. To all these kind friends, the Council, on behalf of the members, returns its most grateful thanks. Few Societies have met with more kind acknowledgment by residents than the Essex Field Club during the past few years, and it is one of the most encouraging features of our progress as a county Club. It is not the mere material benefits which are so grateful, but the kindly recognition of the Club in the manner shown of late is most pleasant to all who have its interests at heart. At the above Meetings also most helpful co-operation has been rendered by many members and non-members. The reports of the Meetings give evidence of such assistance and of the way it was appreciated by the members, but the Council is happy to acknowledge the aid afforded by the following gentlemen at various Meetings during the season, and to thank them most cordially for the same :— Rev. C. L. Acland, Prof. Boulger, F.L.S., Mr. F. Chancellor, Mr. Miller Christy, Mr. Joseph Clarke, F.S.A., Mr. Joshua Clarke, F.L.S., Mr. E. Charles- worth, F.G.S., Dr. M. C. Cooke, Mr. E. Durrant, Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., Mr. E. A. Fitch, Mr. F. Foster, Mrs. Gibson, Mr. J. E. Harting, F.L.S., Mr. R. S. Hemes, F.G.S., Mr. J. A. Houblon, J.P., Mr. George Joslin, Rev. Canon King, Mr. H. W. King, Dr. Laver, Very Rev. Canon Last, Mr. H. W. Monckton, F.G.S., Mr. G. N, Maynard, Dr. J. Murie, F.L.S., Mr. George Massee, F.R.M.S., Mr. J. T. Powell, Mr. G. E. Pritchett, F.S.A., Rev. F. S. Smith, Rev. Dr. Swete, Mr . Murray Tuke, Mr. Ed. Taylor, F.L.S., Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.G.S., Mr. H. B. Wood- ward, F.G.S., Mr. W. White, Mr. C. A. Wright, F.L.S., Mr. A. P. Wire and others. The Council is very desirous that the Meetings of the Club should be made more directly useful to the members in encouraging them to take part in the practical study of natural history, geology, and the other branches of science embraced in the programme of the Club. This matter formed the main theme of the President's address read at the last Annual Meeting (Essex Naturalist, iii. 95 no). In what way assistance can be best given is still a somewhat difficult matter to decide, but the Council will be glad to receive any suggestions from members and others, and to act upon them where practicable. The giving of good practical instruction is mainly a question of expense; the Club receives often most valuable scientific aid from its own members and from friends of the Society, but the Council could not ask hard-working scientific men to afford systematic assistance in the form of demonstrations in the lecture-room and in the field, without remuneration, and it is difficult to decide how this expense could be met without unduly encroaching upon the ordinary income of the Club. Three quarterly parts of the Essex Naturalist have been published during