32 SUGGESTIONS ON THE COLLECTING AND STUDY There are Numbers of species of AEcidium and Uredo are classed under Uromyces and Puccinia, to which they are taken to be related as im- perfect forms. This arrangement will be very confusing to the young student, and we should certainly advise him to collect them without any regard to their generic connection, reserving all this to the future. Then he will find the names of upwards of seventy species of AEcidium and more than that of Uredo. How many, and which of these are found in Essex ? are the questions to be deter- mined, and the Essex Field Club is the proper authority to settle the problem. What steps should be taken to attain this end ? Firstly, the agents must volunteer to go forth from spring to autumn and collect specimens, dry them, put them in envelopes, or attach them to paper. Write thereon the name of the plant on which the parasite was found, the locality and the date. To this may be added, the genus of the parasite, whether AEcidium, Uredo, or Puccinia, &c., and, when certain of it, the name of the species. At the end of the season all these little collections should be sent in to the Secretary, the name of the collector, or his initials being attached to every specimen. The next step will be for some one to revise the whole, correct the errors, and compile a list of the species found during the year. That this list should be submitted to the Meeting at the Annual Fungus Foray, with the names of the collectors, and the specimens either returned to the collectors, or deposited in the Museum of the Club. By this means all the ordinary species will be recorded the first year, and the rare ones will come to be re- ported in succeeding years. This will not only render service to the Club, but also to the members who undertake to collect; for the latter will acquire experience and interest, and add to their own store of knowledge. Both the Club, and its members, as well as mycologists generally, will obtain benefit by this extension of the functions and activities of the Essex Field Club.