97 THE SANITARY CONDITION OF ESSEX. By J. C. THRESH, D.Sc., M.B. (Medical Officer of Health for the Chelmsford and Maldon Rural Sanitary Districts.) THE following statistics have been compiled from the annual returns of the Registrar-General. The first table has reference to the ten years 1879-1888, and shews the mean Death-rate from all causes, from the seven principal zymotic diseases (Small-pox, Typhoid Fever, Scarlet Fever, Measles, Diarrhoea, Whooping Cough, and Diphtheria and Croup) and from Phthisis, in the various registration districts in the county. Per 1,000 Persons Living, 10 Years, 1879-1888. In the following table the death-rate for the whole county is compared with those of the surrounding counties and with that of England and Wales.