166 ESSEX WORTHIES. difficulty in finding out everything about so eminent a man," and referred me to the "Athenaeum" and to L. Stephens' "Biographical Dictionary." These books were carefully searched, but no trace of any account of our John Brown could be found. When I commenced collecting information for this memoir, I wrote to all persons who I thought could help me. My applications were treated with great courtesy, and I have to render my best thanks to : Sir Richard Owen, Mr. A. E. Fitch, Dr. Hill (Rector of Stanway), Mrs. Wagstaff, who lent me John Brown's photograph, Mr. W. H. Dalton, Mr. Miller Christy, Prof. T. Rupert Jones, and Mr. B. B. Woodward. The letter I received from Sir Richard Owen, an autograph, is of some interest. " Sheen Lodge, Richmond Park, "Jan. 28th, 1889. " Dear Sir, " Since 1859 changes have been frequently made—often with destruction— with both books and papers. If I should come upon anything of my old friend John Brown, I will set it aside for you and let you know. I am in failing health and strength in my 85th year. " Truly yours, " Richard Owen." LIST OF PAPERS BY JOHN BROWN, ARRANGED IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER. [I am, of course, very largely indebted far entries in this catalogue to the list of works on the geology of Essex recently published by Messrs. Whitaker and Dalton in the Essex Naturalist.] 1834. (1) A Notice of some of the Contents of the Freshwater Formation at Copford, near Colchester, Essex. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. vii., pp. 436-438. 1835. (2) A Synoptical Table of some of the Mineral Substances, and of the Organic Remains, found in the Gravel at Stanway, Essex, and the neighbouring Localities within a Radius of 15 miles. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. viii., pp. 349-353, 394. (3) A notice of a new Locality of specified Fossil Bones of the Elephant and Deer, and of the Geological Conditions of this Locality. [Ballingdon, Essex.] Mag. Nat. Hist., vol, viii., pp. 353, 354. 1836. (4) A Description of the Geological Conditions of the Chalk and Argillaceous Beds, at Ballingdon Hill, Essex, with Inferences. Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. ix., pp. 42-46.