168 ESSEX WORTHIES. 1852. (22) On the Upper Tertiaries at Copford, Essex. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol. viii., pp. 184-193. In this paper J. B. was assisted by Prof. T. Rupert Jones. 1853, (23) Note on the Artesian Well at Colchester ; and Remarks on some of the Microscopic Fossils from the Colchester Chalk. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser. 2, vol. xii., Pp. 240-242. In this paper J. B. was assisted by Prof. T. Rupert Jones. 1855- (24) On a Fossiliferous Drift near Salisbury. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., vol. xi., pp. 101-107. [The latter (Palaeontological) portion of a paper of which J. Prestwich, junr, (afterwards Prof. Prestwich), contributed the Stratigraphical part.] Read Dec. 13th, 1854. Postscript and Notes Feb. 1855. 1857. (25) Note on Elephant Remains from the Gravel, near Ballingdon Hill, Essex. Ann. Nat. Hist., ser, 2, vol. xx., p. 396. (26) Note on Bovine Remains, lately found at Clacton, Essex. Ann. Nat. Hist, ser. 2, vol. xx., p. 397. 1858. (27) Mammalian Remains [Ballingdon]. Geologist, vol. i., p. 439. 1859. (28) On Some Fossil Remains of Mammalia lately discovered in Essex ; with Remarks on the Position of the Beds of Drift in that County, and in the County of Suffolk. Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. i., No. 4, pp. 29-35. (29) On the occurrence of some Tertiary Fossils at Grove Ferry near Canter- bury, Kent (with descriptions of some of the species by G, B. Sowerby). Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc, vol, xv., pp. 133-136 ; pl v. [Read June 23rd, 1858. Postscript Jan., 1859.] [The following five articles by John Brown are probably from the "Chelmsford Chronicle." They are in books of Newspaper cuttings in the possession of Mr. A. E. Fitch, Pres. E. F. C. :—] (30) The Fresh Water Polypus. Vol. xxx., p. 20. (31) Geology of Essex. Vol. xxxi., p. 10. (32) Horns of Bos longifrons. Vol. xxxi., p. 22. (33) Geological Researches in Essex. Vol. xxxviii., p. 3. (34) On the Microscope. Vol. xl,, pp. 46-7.