MOLLUSCA OF BECONTREE HUNDRED. 203 fossils in the Harwich Cliff, and "Shells on the Sands of the Shore" (P. 377). In 1852 a most interesting paper on the fossil land and fresh-water shells of the Copford Marl, by Mr. John Brown, F.G.S., was pub- lished in the "Journal of the Geological Society." A "List of Land and Freshwater Shells found in the neighbour- hood of Sudbury," by William Doubleday King, of Sudbury, was published in the "Zoologist" for 1853 (vol. xi., p. 3913), containing sixty-three species found by him in the Valley of the Stour. They appear to have been collected chiefly on the Suffolk side, but the few freshwater species found in the River Stour may fairly be reckoned as Essex shells. The most remarkable record in the paper is that of Cyclostoma elegans, noted as occurring "on a bank near the village of Belchamp, large, and mostly of a buff or clay colour." The three villages so named, Belchamp St. Paul, Belchamp Otten, and Belchamp Walter, are all in Essex, and this record appears to be the first for the species in the county. The form noted is evidently the var. ochroleuca, which I have invariably found to be larger than the purple-spotted one. No systematic list of recent Essex shells appears to have been published till our member, Mr. Henry Laver, contributed his paper "On the Land and Fresh-water Mollusca of the District around Colchester" ("Trans. Essex Field Club," vol. ii., 1882). In this he made record of seventy-five species, of which sixteen are not to be found in my list, and eleven of my record were not found by him, viz. :— A few notes on Mr. Laver's paper by myself appeared in "Journ. Proceedings, E.F.C," vol. ii. pp. lix.—lx. The next paper is by Mr. J. French on the "Recent Mollusca of Felstead" which appeared in the Essex Naturalist, vol. ii., pp. 1-3, with corrections and additions in the same volume, p. 46 ; showing altogether sixty-two species, of which fifteen are not to be found in my list, and twenty-three of mine are not recorded in his: viz :—