OF THE BECONTREE HUNDRED. 207 Family PALUDINIDAE. Paludina vivipara, L. River Roding, Woodford Bridge to Red Bridge, Wanstead ; common,—also var. unicolor. Bythinia tentacula a. L. Ditches, Wanstead; ponds at Carswell and Fern Hall, Barking Side; and grips of Roding Meadows, St. Swithin's Farm; plentiful. Bythinia leachii, Shepp. Ponds and ditches at Fern Hall and St. Swithin's ; not common. Family VALVATIDAE. Valvata piscinalis, Muller. Ditto ; abundant. Valvata cristata, Muller. In meadow grips and shore ditch St. Swithin's, Barking Side; plentiful. The living animal of this small operculated species, with its gills extended like a plume, is an interesting and beautiful study. Order PULMONOBRANCHIATA. Family LIMNAEIDAE. Planorbis nitidus, Muller. River Roding, near the old Mill ; two specimens. Planorbis nautileus, L. Pond at Carswell, Barking Side ; not very plentiful. Planorbis albus, Muller. Ponds and ditches, St. Swithin's ; but not common. Planorbis glaber, Jeffreys. Carswell Pond ; one specimen. Planorbis spirorbis, Muller. In ponds, ditches, and grips at Wanstead, Walthamstow, Barking Side, &c.; common every- where. Planorbis vortex, L. Ditto, ditto. Planorbis carinatus, Mull. Ponds and ditches at St. Swithin's Farm, forest pools at Whips Cross, and in the River Lea at Temple Mills; but local and not so common as P. complanatus. Planorbis complanatus, L. Ditto, and River Roding ; common everywhere. Planorbis corneus, L. Ponds and meadow grips at Barking Side, Wanstead, Eastham, Leyton, &c.; abundant. A variety, dark red in color and with the later whorls obliquely coiled round the younger shell, was extremely common in the Forest Ponds at Whips Cross a few years ago. The young shells are usually very hispid.