OF THE BECONTREE HUNDRED. 209 the district; fairly common, and often over five inches in length, and variously spotted and coloured. Limax flavus, L. Barking Side, in gardens, &c. ; often grey in colour. Limax agrestis, L. Ditto, in gardens and fields ; variable in colour. Limax laevis, Muller. Redbridge Lane, Wanstead ; this small "looper" slug is not very abundant. Family TESTACELLIDAE. Testacella scutulum, Sow. 1823. In old gardens at Wanstead; fairly abundant. [More commonly known as T. haliotidea, Drap., but Mr. J. W. Taylor, F.L.S., has, I consider, conclusively shown the differences in both animal and shell, and has re-established the species. Vide "Journ. of Conchology," vol. v. p. 337, 1888.] Family HELICIDAE. Succinea putris, L. In the grips, and all damp places in the Roding Meadows ; a semi-aquatic species and common. S. elegans, Risso. Ditto, ditto. Vitrina pellucida, Muller. Redbridge Lane, Wanstead ; forest by Whips Cross, and Barking Side. This delicate species is fairly common amongst dead leaves and moss, in moist places, hedgerows, and under stack wood. Hyalinia (Zonites) cellaria, Mull. Wanstead Park; garden at Carswell; and on St. Swithin's Farm, Barking Side ; common. H. alliaria, Miller. Ditto. H. nitidula, Draparnaudi. In brushwood and under stack wood, Carswell and St. Swithin's ; plentiful. H. radiatula, Alder. St. Swithin's Meadows, and Wanstead Park ; but not abundant. H. nitida, Muller. In damp places and Wanstead Park ; fairly common. H. crystallina, Muller. In dead leaves and under wood stacks, Carswell, and hedgerows, Barking Side ; common. Helix aspersa, Muller. Plentiful everywhere. Among the many hundreds of the common snail which I have looked over, I have found but one with a sinistral shell (var. sinistrorsum). This P