215 LIST OF LAND AND FRESH-WATER MOLLUSCA OCCURRING IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF BISHOP'S STORTFORD. By EDWIN G. INGOLD. [Read December 2nd, 1890]. THE following is a list of the Land and Fresh-water Shells which occur in the immediate neighbourhood of Bishop's Stortford. The number of species found at present is 59,—50 of which I have in my own collection. Of the remaining nine species, eight have been dis- covered by my friend, Mr. Frank Hughes, and the 59th (Unio tumidus) was found by Mr. Walter Crouch, during the recent visit of the Essex Field Club to Hatfield Forest. As Bishop's Stortford is a border town, it may be well to mention that several of these species have not actually been found in the county of Essex. All the shells, however, named in the list occur within three miles of the Essex boundary. I have not collected the slugs, nor have I paid much attention to the naming of varieties. For these, and other, reasons the following list must be considered as preliminary to a more detailed account of the mollusca of the district. Species which are not in my own collection are marked with an asterisk (*). FRESH-WATER SHELLS. Sphaerium corneum, L. River Stort; very common. S. rivicola, Leach. River Stort; uncommon. Pisidium amnicum, Mull. River Stort; common. *P. fontinale, Drap. River Stort; uncommon. Unio pictorum, L. River Stort, especially near Wallbury Dells ; common. *U. tumidus, Phil. Found by Mr. Crouch in the lake at Hatfield Forest. Anodonta cygnea, L. River Stort; frequent. A. anatina, L. River Stort; common. Paludina contecta, Millet. River Stort; common. Bythinia tentaculata, L. River Stort; common. B. leachii, Shepp. River Stort, near Spelbrook ; rare. Valvata piscinalis, Mull. The "Town Meads" ditches, Bishop's Stortford; common. Planorbis albus, Mull. River Stort; frequent. P. vortex, L. River Stort: frequent.