THE ESSEX AND CHELMSFORD MUSEUM. 237 I. It is agreed that the Essex Field Club and the Essex and Chelmsford Museum and Philosophical and Natural History Society shall combine their funds, property, deeds, records, and membership under one Council and one set of officers, subject to the following conditions, viz. :— (a) That the title of the combined Society shall be The Essex Field Club. (b) That in addition to the ordinary work of the Club as set forth in the Rules, and hitherto pursued, the Club shall establish at Chelmsford a Local (Essex) Museum, Library and Laboratory, the scope and objects of which shall be as set forth in paragraphs II., III., IV., and V. below. Such Museum and Library, &c., shall be the sole property of the Club, and shall be placed in the hands of Trustees to be held by them for the Club in fulfilment of the objects for which the Club was established,and the said Museum shall be so managed and controlled as the Council may from time to time determine, and as the funds and income of the Club will permit. (c) That, previously to the amalgamation as above, the two bodies shall unite in making an appeal for subscriptions, not only to their own members but also to the public generally, in aid of the establishment of the Museum and Library, and for annual subscriptions for the maintenance of the same. (d) That the Club shall appoint seven Trustees, of whom not more than two shall be resident in or within five miles of Chelmsford. The Trustees shall hold the funds, build- ings, fittings, instruments, specimens, maps, books, pictures, engravings, and other property of the Club (but not the annual income, donations for specific purposes, explora- tion or other funds, sales of publications, nor the balances accruing year by year from any such sources, nor the present or future stock of publications, and the copyrights and interests of and in the same) upon trust for the objects of the Club. Subject, nevertheless, to the reasonable control of the Council over the specimens, cabinets, books, instru- ments, &c., as may in its opinion be best for the interests of the institution. The control of the Trustees over the property of the Club, other than the building and any endowment funds and the building, is not to come into operation until the other property of the Club has been duly examined and arranged by the Council as stated under (e).