238 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB AND (e) That on the establishment of the Museum, all the specimens, books, cabinets, furniture and instruments, excepting as above, the property of the combined Societies (and also such as may be thereafter purchased, presented, collected, or exchanged for) shall, until such property is formally handed over to the Trustees, be at the sole disposal of the Council, to be dealt with as may be deemed best for the interests of the Club, the Museum and Library, &c., in fulfilling the objects for which it was founded, keeping always in view the local character of the institution. (f) That the Rules of the Club shall be so altered that they may ensure the members of the Council being as representa- tive as possible of the whole body of members, and of the county, and so that not more than one-third of the whole number of elected Councillors shall be resident in or within five miles of Chelmsford. (g) That not more than four official (ordinary) meetings of the Club at which minutes of former meetings are read and confirmed shall be held within a radius of five miles of Chelmsford in any one official year. This prohibition is not to apply to lectures, class meetings, field or other meetings, at which minutes are not read and approved, nor to Council or Committee meetings specially appointed by the Council. (h) That the Head-Quarters of the Club shall be in Essex ; the Museum and Library of the Society shall be at Chelmsford, but the Club shall be a peripatetic Society, holding meetings as occasion may arise in any part of Essex, or in other coun- ties, provided nevertheless that no official (ordinary) meetings at which minutes of former meetings are read and confirmed (other than meetings of Council and Committees specially appointed by the Council) shall be held outside the boun- daries of the county of Essex. II. It is also agreed that the Museum above-mentioned shall be primarily a Local one, serving to illustrate in the most scientific and modern manner possible, the biology, geology, meteorology, topography, ethnology, pre-historic and other antiquities, agriculture, fisheries, manufactures, industries, &c., of Essex, and the neigh- bouring sea, rivers and border-lands, and shall include a local and scientific library, consisting of books, MSS., pictures, prints, photographs, &C., appertaining in any way to the county, and also of scientific, antiquarian, topographical, and other literature, the members having a right to borrow books, &c., therefrom, under regulations to be made by the Council. The museum buildings