THE ESSEX AND CHELMSFORD MUSEUM. 239 shall also include, if possible, and so far as funds may from time to time permit, a Laboratory, Workshop and Class-room, with fittings, apparatus, and instruments suitable for the preparation of specimens for the Museum, and for the practical study and teaching (either in the Museum or in selected local stations in various parts of the county) of biology, geology, microscopy, and other sciences necessary for their pursuit and elucidation, and for their practical application in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, manufactures, industries and education, &c., &c. The use of such laboratory and instruments, &c., to be under the control of the Council, who may permit students, investigators, and others, to work therein and therewith, and the Council may also lend instruments and prepara- tions out of the Museum buildings for purposes in furtherance of the above objects. In addition to the purely local collections, the Club Museum may contain, as funds and space will permit, an Educational Series of specimens, preparations, &c., and any objects serving to illustrate the history, use, or development of minerals, rocks, animals, plants, fossils, antiquities, &c. ; but in the selection and exhibition of such specimens the primary object of the Museum shall always be kept in view. And it is also agreed that the purely local character of the Museum shall be subject to the following exceptions :— 1st. That specimens appertaining to classification, anatomy, development, distribution, &c., of animals, plants, fossils, minerals, antiquities, &c., need not necessarily be of Essex origin. 2nd. That the Council may accept entire collections or specimens of British or foreign natural history, geology, antiquities, &c., provided that they are or can be preserved so that they may be kept in cabinets or otherwise entirely distinct from the Essex series, and provided also that they do not limit or interfere with the primary objects of the Museum as a local collection. 3rd. That inasmuch as the present Chelmsford Museum contains certain local (Essex) archaeological and other specimens which have been presented from time to time, it is agreed that these shall be retained in the Museum of the Essex Field Club. III. That the Council may at its discretion promote the teaching and pursuit of science, and the application of science in technical education, &c., by means of biological or other stations, lectures,