240 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB AND demonstrations, or otherwise, to the members or the public in various parts of the county, and may make suitable use of the Museum buildings, apparatus and specimens, in furtherance of such objects, and may accept donations or grants for specific application to such purposes. IV. That the public be admitted free to the Museum at the dis- cretion of the Council (as far as the income and funds of the Club will allow) but not so as to create any public right of entry or inter- ference with the management of the Museum. But the Council may appoint special days on which the Museum shall be open only to members of the Club for the purpose of study, on which days the public may be admitted on payment of a fee to be fixed by the Council. V. That the Library shall be for the use of the members only, and such visitors as may be admitted under the regulations of the Librarian to be approved by the Council. VI. That the general superintendence of the Museum and Laboratory, &c., and of the business details be placed (subject to the control of the Council) in the hands of one officer, who may also be the principal secretary and editor to the Club, who shall be called "Director" [and Secretary], and who shall be account- able only to the Council and Trustees. One or more sub-secretaries for special work may be appointed as may be deemed well. VII. That the several departments of the Museum (to be defined by the Council) may be placed under the care of members specially acquainted with the subjects, who shall act as sub-curators, but in the mode of arrangement, preservation and exhibition of the speci- mens entrusted to them, they shall follow the rules laid down by the Council, the Museum Committee and the Director, the final decision on any disputed points to lie with the Council. VIII. That in a similar way, sub-librarians may be appointed by the Council, but that the control of the library shall be in the hands of the Librarian, who shall be accountable only to the Council and Trustees. IX. That the officers of the Club and the sub-curators and sub- librarians being appointed as above, shall form a Museum Committee for the consideration of points of detail and arrangement, but such Committee shall be under the control of the Council.