AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 3 moors of the Land's End, and to point out many a rare plant which made his eyes glisten with delight. But it was not the acquisition of a rarity, merely as such, that gave him pleasure ; it was the seeing and gathering for himself in its own native habitat any unfamiliar form—moss or hepatic, lichen, fungus or alga—and the subsequent leisurely examination of it at home, with his microscope and his books ; for it was a characteristic of Mr. Varenne that he would take nothing for granted—he would never accept a name without verifying it by every available means— after which it would be duly tabulated in his own methodical way. Even on his deathbed the recollection that he had inadvertently entered a lichen under a wrong name disturbed his peace of mind, and caused him uneasiness until the error was rectified. It is very probable that some of Mr. Varenne's early hunting- grounds have long since lost their botanical features, and that many of the plants enumerated below are now extinct in the localities specified. If so it will but add to the value of the present record, the publication of which is a humble tribute to the memory of one to whom I was attached by strong ties of personal friendship and esteem. MOSSES. Sphagnum acutifolium, Ehr. West Bergholt Heath, 1860. Woodham Walter Common, and Galleywood Common, 1862. Var. purpureum, Schpr. Tiptree and Bergholt Heath, 1862. S. intermedium, Hoffm. Woodham Mortimer Common, 1862. S. rigidum, Schpr. High Beach, 1883. S. subsecundum, Nees. Tiptree Heath and West Bergholt Heath, 1860. Warley Common, 1883. Var. contortum, Schultz. Galleywood Common and Bergholt Heath, 1862. Pods Wood, Tiptree Heath, 1865. Var. obesum, Wils. High Beach, 1883. Var. auriculatum, Schpr. Galleywood Common, 1882. S. cymbifolium, Ehr. West Bergholt Heath, 1860. Wood ham Walter Common, 1863. Warley Common, 1866. Var. squarrosulum, Nees. Bog, Pods Wood, 1860. Systegium crispum, Hedw. Kelvedon, 1861. Gymnostomum microstomum, Hedw. Inworth, 1862. Sible Hedingham, 1864. Kelvedon, 1880. Weissia viridula, Brid. Kelvedon, 1860.