6 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON Orthotrichum anomalum, Br. and Sch. Feering, 1862. Halstead; Colchester; Kelvedon, 1866. Hatfield Forest, 1873. O. affine, Schrad. Kelvedon, 1800. Woods at Wickham; Alresford, 1876. O. stramineum, Hornsch. Kelvedon, 1863. Lyston, 1865. O. pumilum, Dicks. On an ash-tree, Kelvedon, 1873. O. tenellum, Bruch. Kelvedon and Feering, 1862. Pods Wood, 1868. O. pallens, Bruch. On an ash-tree, Kelvedon, 1874. O. diaphanum, Schrad. Rivenhall, 1800. O. lyellii, H. and T. Wood at Copford, 1863. Felix Hall Woods, 1864. Messing, 1868. O. leiocarpum, Br. and Sch. Near Halstead. O. sprucei, Mont. Old pales near the Chelmer, Chelmsford, 1866. Ephemerum serratum, Schreb. Kelvedon, 1800. Braxted, 1864. Physcomitrella patens, Hedw. On damp garden ground, Kelvedon, 1877. Physcomitrium pyriforme, L. Kelvedon, 1861. Riverside, Braxted, 1866. Funaria fascicularis, Dicks. About Kelvedon, Langford, &c., on gravel and clay, 1861. Halstead, 1875. F. hygrometrica, L. Kelvedon, 1800. Bartramia pomiformis, L. Pods Wood Lane, 1800. Philonotis fontana, L. Galleywood Common, and West Bergholt Heath, 1862. Leptobryum pyriforme, L. On the brick of a culvert, Feering, 1800. Webera nutans, Schreb. Braxted, 1861. Woodham Walter Common, and Wickham, 1862. Wood at Warley, 1866. W. carnea, L. Kelvedon, 1861. Marks Hall. Bryum pendulum, Hornsch. Kelvedon, 1862. B. inclinatum, Swartz. Kelvedon, 1800. B. intermedium, W. and M. Kelvedon, 1800. B. bimum, Schreb. Kelvedon, 1800. Tiptree, 1865. Bright- lingsea Common, 1866. B. erythrocarpum, Schwg. Tiptree Heath; Roman Wall, Colchester; and Rivenhall, 1862. Kelvedon Church wall, 1863. B. atropurpureum, W. and M. Kelvedon, 1800.