8 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON Leucodon sciuroides, L. Messing, 1860. Neckera complanata, L. Prested Hall Wood, 1860. Homalia tricomanoides, Schreb. Rivenhall, 1860. Leskea polycarpa, Ehr. Kelvedon, 1800. Anomodon viticulosus, L. Kelvedon, 1860. Thuidium tamariscinum, Hedw. Braxted, 1860. Thamnium alopecurum, L. Kelvedon, 1860. Pylaisia polyantha, Schreb. On an elm tree, Ewell Hall Farm, 1861. Isothecium myurum, Poll. Kelvedon, 1860. Homalothecium sericeum, L. Kelvedon, 1860. Camptothecium lutescens, Huds. Kelvedon, 1860. Brachythecium albicans, Neck. Donyland Heath, 1800. Banks of the Colne, near Wivenhoe, 1863. B. velutinum, L. Kelvedon, 1800. B. rutabulum, L. Kelvedon and Cressing Temple, 1800. Chaulkney Wood, 1861. Inworth, 1862. Eurhynchium myosuroides, L. Kelvedon, 1800. E. striatum, Schreb. Kelvedon, 1800. E. piliferum, Schreb. Kelvedon and Donyland, 1800. Banks of the Colne, near Wivenhoe, 1863. E. swartzii, Turn. Kelvedon. 1861. E. praelongum, Dill. Kelvedon, 1800. E. pumilum, Wils. Inworth, 1862. Aldham, 1864. Rhynchostegium tenellum, Dicks. Inworth, 1861. R. confertum, Dicks. Great Braxted, 1800. R. megapolitanum, Bland. Kelvedon, 1862. Copford, 1882. R. murale, Hedw. Kelvedon Church, 1800. R. ruscifolium, Neck. Kelvedon, 1800. Plagiothecium denticulatum, L. Pods Wood Lane, 1800. Chauntry Wood, 1873. Chaulkney Wood, 1882. P. sylvaticum, L. Chaulkney Wood, 1861. Amblystegium serpens, L. Kelvedon, 1800. Copford, 1882. A. irriguum, Wils. On the wall by Feering Mill dam, 1866. A. riparium, L. Waste water near Kelvedon Mill, 1800. River Chelmer, 1866. Hypnum aduncum, P. Tiptree Heath, 1873. H. kneiffii, Schpr. West Bergholt Heath, 1800. Galleywood Common, 1862.