10 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON Blepharozia ciliaris, Nees. Tiptree Heath, 1862. Scapania undulata, Dill. Tiptree, 1861. Bergholt Heath, 1862. S. nemorosa, L. Chauntry Wood. Diplophyllum albicans, L. Marks Hall, 1863. Plagiochila asplenioides, L. Chaulkney Wood, 1800. Jungermannia crenulata, Sm. Tiptree Heath, 1862. J. inflata, Huds. Tiptree Heath, 1863. Nardia scalaris, Schrad. Kelvedon, 1861. Pellia epiphylla, L. Woodham Walter Common, 1882. Aneura multifida, Dill. West Bergholt Heath. Metzgeria furcata, L. Braxted, 1861. LICHENS. Collema pulposum, Bernh. Feering, Yeldham. f. granu- latum, Sw. On limestone, Kelvedon; Salcot. f. tenax, Ach. On earth, Kelvedon. C. limosum, Ach. Kelvedon, Feering. On clay. C. crispum, Huds. On gravel, Kelvedon, Feering, Yeldham. Roman Wall, Colchester. C. cheileum, Ach. On the mortar of walls, Feering. Leptogium microphyllum, Ach. Old elm, Kelvedon, 1882. L. biatorinum, Nyl. Bank at Inworth, 1863. L. tenuissimum, Dicks. Hedge-bank, Inworth; Braxted; Kelvedon. L. pusillum, Nyl. Bank at Messing, 1863. Sphinctrina turbinata, Pers. On Pertusaria communis, In- worth. Calicium chrysocephalum, Ach. Old elm, Braxted. C. aciculare, Sm. Old elms, Kelvedon. C. trichiale, Ach. Var. ferrugineum, Borr. Old oak post, Great Tey ; Coggeshall. C. melanophaeum, Ach. Palings, Braxted. Oak post, Kel- vedon. C. hyperellum, Ach. Old oak, Messing. C. trachelinum, Ach. On oak post and boarded building, Kelvedon. C. quercinum, Pers. Old wood, Inworth; Kelvedon; Cog- geshall. C. curtum, Borr. Old wood, Kelvedon ; Braxted. C. subtile, Pers. Old tree and old boarding, Kelvedon.