12 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON P. physodes, L. On trees and palings. Var. recurva, Leight. Braxted, on tress. Var. labrosa, Ach. On fir-branches, Kelvedon. Old palings, Braxted; Colne. P. reddenda, Stirt. Trees, Kelvedon; Feering. P. perlata, L. On trees, Kelvedon; Feering; Inworth; Easthorpe. P. borreri, Turn. Trees, Kelvedon ; Braxted Park ; Inworth. P. fuliginosa, Dub. f. olivacea, Leight. On trees and palings, frequent but barren, Kelvedon ; Inworth, &c. P. acetabulum, Neck. On elm, ash, and lime trees, Kel- vedon ; Coggeshall; Rayne ; Great Braxted ; Witham ; Felix Hall Park ; Rivenhall; Lyston. P. saxatilis, L. On trees and pales. Easthorpe, in fruit; Kelvedon. Physcia parietina, L. Trees and walls, Kelvedon. Var. aureola, Ach. Brick walls, Kelvedon; Chipping Hill. Var. laciniosa, Duf. On trees, Kelvedon; Yeldham. Var. lychnea, Ach. On trees, frequent, Kelvedon. On walls, Earl's Colne. At base of old elms, Kelvedon, of a dark orange-yellow. Var. polycarpa, Ehrb. Willow-tree, Rivenhall. Palings, Kelvedon and Walton. f. cineras- cens, Leight. Elms, Kelvedon. P. ciliaris, L. Trees, Kelvedon. Old wall, Chipping Hall. f. actinota, Ach. Trees, Kelvedon. P. pulverulenta, Schreb. On trees, Kelvedon. Ashy-grey form on horse-chestnuts, Kelvedon, 1884. f. pityrea, Ach. On trees, Braxted; Kelvedon. On mosses on walls, Chipping Hill; Feering. f. angustata, Hffm. On moss, Kelvedon. P. obscura, Ehr. On trees, Kelvedon ; Feering. P. adglutinata, Flk. On elm and ash trees, Kelvedon. On wall, Braxted. On a culvert, Feering. P. erosa, Borr. Base of old elm. Messing. P. astroidea, Clem. Kelvedon. P. stellaris, L. Trees, Kelvedon; Totham; &c. Var. leptalea, Ach. Ulting, near Maldon, Mr. Piggott. Var. tenella, Scop. On trees, walls, and palings, Kelvedon ; Chipping Hill; Lyston ; Riven- hall. Var. casta, Hffm. On brick walls, trees, and slates, Kelvedon; Coggeshall; Great Tey. Squamaria saxicola, Poll. Frequent on brick walls, and on tiles, Kelvedon. Var., with margin of apothecia albo-pulverulent, on a tile, Kelvedon.