16 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON L. crustulata, Ach. On flint stones in fields and roadsides, and on sandstone in a wall, Great Tey; Tiptree; Kelvedon. L. flexuosa, Fr. Old palings, Copford. L. decolorans, Flk. Kelvedon. L. dubia, Borr. On the boarding of an old barn, Kelvedon. L. quernea, Dicks. On oaks, Kelvedon; Easthorpe. L. enteroleuca, Ach. Brick walls, tiles, and sandstone, Kel- vedon ; Feering. Corticole, Kelvedon ; Copford; Witham ; Great Tey. L. minuta, Schaer. Tree, Great Braxted. L. tenebricosa, Ach. Gelat. hymenea I. blue. Tree, Pods Wood ; Braxted ; Hickmore Fen Wood. L. parasema, Ach. Trees, old palings, walls, Feering; Cog- geshall ; Kelvedon; Messing; Rivenhall. Var. tabescens, Korb. On oak, Pods Wood. Var. flavens, Nyl. On palings, Feering ; Copford. Var. elaeochroma, Ach. Trees and palings, Witham ; Kelvedon ; Rivenhall; Feering; Baddow; Lyston ; Walton-on- Naze. L. uliginosa, Schrad. On earth, Warley Common; Mile End, Colchester. f. fuliginosa, Ach. Old railings and ancient oak, Kelvedon; Bocking. On the mortar of an old building with Verrucaria nigrescens. L. coarctata, Sm. f. elacista, Ach. Wall, and on surface of a sand-pit, Braxted ; Copford. f. involuta, Tayl. Brick copings, sandstone walls, Kelvedon; Great Tey; Braxted; Coggeshall. f. glebulosa, Sm. Essex, T. B. Hall. f. ornata, Smft. Wall, sandy bank, Braxted ; Bergholt; Copford. L. fuscoatra, Ach. Sandstone, bricks, tiles, Coggeshall; Kel- vedon ; Chipping Hill; Feering. f. fumosa, Ach. Brick walls, Kelvedon; Braxted; Messing. f. meiosporiza, Nyl. Brick wall, Kelvedon. L. sub-kochiana, Nyl. On sandstone, Kelvedon. L. taylori, Salw. Coggeshall. L. contigua, Fr. Var. aggerata, Mudd. Kelvedon. L. confluens, Web. Tiptree, rocks, conglomerate gravel. f. laevigata, Leight. Kelvedon. L. canescens, Dicks. Chiefly on elms, Kelvedon ; Feering ; White Notley ; Inworth. (In fruit at Tattingstone, Suffolk). L. disciformis, Fr. Kelvedon; uncommon. L. myriocarpa, D.C. f. chloropolia, D.C. Old trees and pal-