20 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON V. viridula, Schrad. On sandstone, mortared walls, and brick walls, Kelvedon ; Feering; Coggeshall; Mistley ; Braxted. Roman wall, Colchester. V. rupestris, Schrad. On a piece of chalk, Kelvedon. Oyns Brook Bridge. "V. muralis, Ach. Mortared and brick walls, Kelvedon. V. subalbicans, Leight. On mortar, Kelvedon. V. calciseda, D.C. On limestone, Coggeshall. V. gemmata, Ach. Trees, Hickmore Fen Wood; Kelvedon. V. conformis, Nyl. Tree, Kelvedon. V. epidermidis. Birch-trees, Kelvedon. Var. analepta, Ach. Kelvedon : Myland; Great Tey. f. fallax, Nyl. Young oaks, Braxted ; Mile End, Colchester. f. cincreo-pruinosa, Schaer. On a tree, Kelvedon. V. punctiformis, Ach. On holly, Colne Engaine. V. biformis, Borr. On willow and other trees, Kelvedon; Rivenhall; Felstead : Witham. V. salweii, Leight. Old mortared wall, Kelvedon. V. rugulosa, Borr. On an old tile, Kelvedon. V. chlorotica, Ach. f. carpinea, Schoer. Colne Engaine. V. nitida, Weig. Trees, Kelvedon ; Messing. Var. nitidella, Flk. Rivenhall; Kelvedon. V. glabrata, Ach. Var. dermatodes, Borr. On trees, Braxted; Rivenhall. V. albissima, Ach. On birch, Braxted; Pods Wood, Kelve- don. V. epipolytropa, Mudd. Parasitic on Squamaria saxicola. On a tile, Kelvedon. V. hymenogonia, Nyl. Kelvedon ; Messing; Mistley. Melanotheca gelatinosa, Chev. On hazel, Kelvedon. FUNGI. Agaricus (Amanita) strobiliformis, Fr. Meadow, Braxted 1876. A. (Lepiota) rachodes, Vitt. Wood, Braxted, 1875. Kelve- don, 1880. A. (Tricholoma) gambosus, Fr. Pasture, Great Tey, 1877. Rivenhall, 1877. Easthorpe, 1878. A. (Clitocybe) geotrupus, Bull. Braxted Rectory Park, 1875. A. (Pleurotus) leightoni, Berk. In a cellar, Kelvedon, 1883. .