AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 21 A. (Claudopus) enosmus,Berk. On dead elm-trees, Kelvedon, 1873 and 1881. A. (Pholiota) durus, Bolt. Kelvedon, 1874. A. (Pholiota) spectabilis, Fr. Kelvedon, 1874 and 1881. A. (Naucoria) semiorbicularis, Bull. Pasture, Kelvedon, 1876. A. (Panaeolus) campanulatus, I,. Rivenhall Park, 1876. Polyporus fulvus, Fr. On elm, Kelvedon, 1881. Corticium laeve, Fr. Kelvedon, 1880. Lycoperdon saccatum, Vahl. Kelvedon, 1879. Didymium physarioides, Fr. Near Kelvedon Hall Woods, and at Braxted, 1875. Arcyria punicea, P. Kelvedon, 1879. Cyathus striatus, Hoffm. Braxted, 1883. C. vernicosus, D.C. Great Tey, 1881. Phoma radula, B. and Br. On yew, Feering, 1881. P. depressum, B. and Br. Kelvedon, 1881. Leptothyrium ribis, Lib. Kelvedon, 1881. L. juglandis, Lib. Kelvedon School-grounds, abundant, 1865. Dothiora sphaeroides, Fr. Ash-trees, Kelvedon, 1881. Piggottia astroidea, B. and Br. Kelvedon, 1872. Discella carbonacea, B. and Br. Braxted, 1873. Torula ovalispora, Berk. Kelvedon, 1880. T. pulvillus, B. and Br. Inworth, 1880. T. pulveracea, Corda. Kelvedon. Phragmidium mucronatum, Link. Kelvedon, 1873. P. bulbosum, Sch. Kelvedon, 1851. P. gracile, Grev. On raspberry, Kelvedon, 1871. Puccinia arundinacea, Hedw. Kelvedon, 1871. P. graminis, Pers. Kelvedon, 1865. Wivenhoe, 1873. P. coronata, Corda. Kelvedon, 1873. P. polygonorum, Link. Kelvedon, 1800. P. vincae, Berk. Kelvedon, 1874. P. sparsa, Cooke. Kelvedon, 1878. P. compositarum, Sch. Kelvedon, 1865. P. syngenesiarum, Link. Kelvedon, 1870. P. malvacearum, Corda. Kelvedon ; Feering; Rivenhall, 1874. P. discoidearum, Link. Kelvedon, 1865. Braxted and Feer- ing, 1875.