24 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON Sphaerotheca castagnei, Lev. Kelvedon, 1865. Uncinula adunca, Lev. Kelvedon, 1871. U. bicornis, Lev. Kelvedon, 1865. Phyllactinia guttata, Lev. Kelvedon, 1865. Podosphaeria kunzei, Lev. On apricot-leaves, Feering, 1884. P. clandestina, Lev. Kelvedon, 1870. Microsphaeria grossulariae, Lev. Kelvedon, 1870. M. mougeotii, Lev. Kelvedon, 1865. M. penicillata, Lev. Kelvedon, 1865. Erysiphe lamprocarpa, Lev. Kelvedon, 1865. E. martii, Link. Kelvedon, 1865. E. montagnei, Lev. Kelvedon, 1871. E. tortilis, Link. Kelvedon and Braxted, 1865. E. communis, Schl. Kelvedon and Inworth, 1865. Peziza salmnicolor, B. and Br. On the earth in a fern- pot, Kelvedon, 1881. P. domestica, Sow. Kelvedon, 1882. Patellaria lignyota, Fr. Feering, 1882. Claviceps purpurea, Tul. Kelvedon, 1871. Rhytisma acerinum, Pers. Kelvedon, 1851. Hysterium angustatum, A. and S. Colne. Epichloe typhina, Berk. Kelvedon, 1852. Alresford, 1878. Dothidea rubra, Pers. Kelvedon, 1851. D. ulmi, Fr. Kelvedon, 1851. D. trifolii, Fr. Kelvedon, 1873. Diatrype quercina, Tul. Inworth, 1880. D. verrucaeformis, Fr. Braxted, 1873. Massaria currei, Tul. Kelvedon, 1881. Sphaeria apotheciorum, Mass. Kelvedon. MARINE ALGAE. Fucus vesiculosus, L. Walton, 1867. F. serratus, L. Walton, 1867. Harwich, 1876. Himanthalea lorea, Lyngb. Walton, 1867. Dictyota dichotoma, Huds. Walton, 1867. Punctaria plantaginea, Roth. Harwich, 1876. Elachistea fucicola, Vel. Maldon, 1867. Cladostephus verticillatus, Light. Walton, 1845. Sphacelaria scoparia, L. Walton, 1845.