AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD. 27 Z. varians, Hass. Kelvedon and Braxted, 1850. Pond near Ewell Hall, 1855. Feering, 1859. Z. aestivum, Hass. Ditch, Church Hall, Kelvedon, 1858. Easthorpe, 1876. Z. malformatum, Hass. Rivenhall, 1858. Z. catenaeforme, Hass. Kelvedon, 1880. Z. gracile, Hass. Pond near Kevedon Hall, 1865. Z. commune, Hass. Feering, 1867. Z. flavescens, Hass. Messing, 1858. Brickfield, Inworth, 1883. Z. inaequale, Hass. Kelvedon, 1850. Z. tenuissimum, Hass. Kelvedon and Feering, 1883. Z. woodsii, Hass. Kelvedon, 1850. Z. affine, Hass. Inworth, 1883. Z. mirabile, Hass. Near Docwra's Mill, Kelvedon, 1858. Easthorpe Lane, and pond on Ewell Hall Farm, 1859. Messing, 1869. Z. hassallii, Jenner. Rivenhall, 1850. Gore Pit, 1855 Kelvedon, 1858. Z. quadratum, Hass. Kelvedon, 1850. Z. jenneri, Hass. Braxted, 1850. Kelvedon, 1883. Z. insigne, Hass. Feering, 1850. Tyndaridea anomala, Ralfs. Claypit, Messing, 1858. Easthorpe, 1859. T. lutescens, Hass. Bergholt Heath, 1862. Mesocarpus scalaris, Hass. Kelvedon and Feering, 1883. M. intricatus, Hass. Kelvedon and Feering, 1883. M. parvulus, Hass. Kelvedon and Feering, 1883. Mougeotia genuflexa, Ag. Kelvedon, 1850. Pond, Gore Pit, 1855. Zygogonium ericetorum, Kutz. Tiptree Heath, 1850. Vesiculifera paludosa, Hass. Cranes Pond, 1865. V. fasciata, Hass. Pond near Rook Hall, 1865. Feering, 1867. V. sphaerica, Hass. Pond near Kelvedon Hall, 1800. Ditch in Coggeshall Hall Meadows, 1866. Kelvedon, 1883. V. flavescens, Hass. Rivenhall, 1850. V. hexagona, Hass. Ditch, Western's Meadows, 1855. Tip- tree Heath, 1865. V. mulleri, Hass. Kelvedon, 1850.