28 THE CRYPTOGAMIC FLORA OF KELVEDON V. rothii, Hass. Kelvedon, 1850. Near Birch Holt, 1859. Cranes Pond, 1865. Bulbochaete setigera, Ag. On Ranunculus trichophyllus, 1851. [No locality given]. Cladophora glomerata, Dillw. Kelvedon, 1844. Messing, 1850. C. crispata, Sm. Kelvedon; Tiptree, 1850. Conferva linum, Roth. Ditch, Dovercourt, 1865. Coleochaete scutata, Breb. Var. b. on a leaf of Hypum fluitans, pond near Kelvedon Hall, 1800. Lyngbya zonata, Hass. On stones in the waste water near Braxted Mill, 1855. Kelvedon, 1858. L. muralis, Ag. Kelvedon, 1850. L. copulata, Hass. Ditch near sea-wall, Dovercourt, 1865. L. thompsoni, Harv. On a stick in a pond, Kelvedon, 1858 L. floccosa, Ag. Kelvedon, 1850. Birch Holt, 1855. Messing, 1858. Feering, 1883. L. punctalis, Hass. Near Docwra's Mill, Kelvedon, 1855. In an aquarium, attached to Ranunculus aquatilis, 1858. Felix Hall, 1865. Tiptree Heath, 1880. L. vermicularis, Hass. Ditch, Feering Moor, 1855. Tiptree Heath, 1858. Pond on Ewell Hall Farm, 1859. Hydrodictyon utriculatum, Roth. Blackwater River, Kel- vedon, and abundantly in the back ditch at Docwra's Mill, 1859. Oscillatoria limosa, Ag. Near Docwra's Mill, Kelvedon, 1855. O. cinerea, Hass. Kelvedon, 1858. O. tenuis, Ag. Inworth, 1850. Kelvedon, 1855. O. muscorum, Ag. On Hypnum ruscifolium, Kelvedon, 1863. O. contexta, Carm. Kelvedon, 1850. O. decorticans, Grev. Wall near Kelvedon Mill, 1858. Microcoleus repens, Harv. Kelvedon, 1868. Raphidia angulosa, Hass. Feering, 1867. R. viridis, Hass. Feering, 1867. Spirillum jenneri, Hass. Kelvedon, intermixed with Oscilla- toria tenuis, 1859. Feering and Braxted Hall, 1880. Anabaina flosaquae, Bory. Kelvedon. Near Dovercourt, 1865. A. impalpebralis, Bory. Kelvedon, 1865. Yeldham, 1866. Nostoc commune, Vauch. Kelvedon, 1844.