31 THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. Ordinary and Annual General Meeting, and Special Meeting. Saturday, January 31st, 1891. [The members from a distance assembled in the Museum during the afternoon, where they examined the loan collections from South Kensington, and some explored the environs of the town. Tea was taken at the "Saracen's Head" Hotel, the President in the chair.] The Eleventh Annual General Meeting of the Club was held in the Essex and Chelmsford Museum, New Bridge Street, Chelmsford (kindly placed at the dis- posal of the Council by the Committee of the Museum), at half-past six o'clock, Mr. E. A. Fitch, President, in the chair. Previous to the Annual Meeting, an Ordinary Meeting (the 121st) was held. The Rev. W. S. Lach-Szyrma, M.A., was elected a member. The meeting then resolved itself into the Eleventh Annual General Meeting. The minutes of the tenth Annual Meeting, held on February 1st, 1890, were read and confirmed. The Secretary (Mr. W. Cole) read the Annual Report of the Council for 1890 (see p. 35). Mr. Walter Crouch read the Treasurer's Annual Statement of Accounts, which had been duly audited by Mr. C. Ridley and himself (see pp. 40, 41). On the motion of Mr. Avery, seconded by Mr. Corcoran, the report and state- ment were received and adopted. Mr. Float and Mr. Day were chosen as scrutineers of the ballot for the election of new members of Council and officers for 1891, the President remarking, alluding to the nominations for the Council, that it was the first "contested election" of the Club. The following members retired from the Council in accordance with Rule III.:—Messrs. W. J. Argent, G. C. Harcourt, N. F. Robarts, and Thomas Royle. To fill the four seats so rendered vacant, the following members were proposed at the meeting on December 30th, 1890 : Messrs. H. Cohn, Edmund Durrant, A. J. Furbank, T. B. Linley and J. H. Porter. While the votes were being counted, Mr. F. Chancellor (Chairman of the Committee of the Essex and Chelmsford Museum) accorded all a very hearty wel- come in the name of the Museum authorities, and at the request of the President, spoke of the Loan Collection of Indian Art fabrics and Art specimens which had been placed in the Museum by the South Kensington authorities to illustrate a course of lectures on India which had been carried on during the winter. He also alluded to the collection of Geological specimens, formed by the late Rev. E. S. Wright, rector of Vange, which had been bequeathed to the Museum, and recently handed over by his son and daughter. The scrutineers reported that the following had been elected into the Council: Messrs. H. Cohn, E. Durrant, A. J. Furbank, and J. H. Porter.