ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 35 The President nominated the following as Vice-Presidents during his year of office: Messrs. E.N. Buxton, J.P., Aldm., C.C, Walter Crouch, F.Z.S., Henry Laver, M.R.C.S., F.L.S., F.S.A., and the Right Hon. Lord Rayleigh, F.R.S. The Librarian announced the additions to the Library by gift, purchase and exchange, and thanks were voted to the donors. Prof. Meldola called attention to the work of the Committee appointed by the British Association "to report upon the application of photography to the elucidation of meteorological phenomena, and to collect any photographs of such phenomena." He distributed copies of the circular issued by the Committee, and hoped that all members who were practical photographers would aid in the work. Mr. Fitch read a paper entitled "A Day on the Crouch River," being an account of a day's "fishing" with a trawl-net in company with Mr. Crouch last summer. In illustration of the paper were exhibited preserved specimens of the species obtained, comprising Crustacea, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Sponges, &c. Many of the species had never before been recorded from Essex, thus showing that there was plenty of work for the members to do in the department of marine zoology. Prof. Meldola, in proposing a vote of thanks to Mr. Fitch, said that he looked upon the paper as quite a typical one for a Naturalists' society—it was a careful record of actual work done and observations made in their own district, and he should like to see more papers of the kind communicated to the Club. Mr. Crouch read "Notes on a Female Specimen of the Common Rorqual (Balaenoptera musculus) lately stranded near Burnham, with remarks on the Balaenopteridae (Tinner Whales)." In illustration of the paper Mr. Crouch showed a long series of drawings, diagrams and prints, and Mr. A. P. Wire also showed some drawings. Remarks on the paper were made by Mr. Gillham, Mr. A. C. Freeman, the President, &c., and a cordial vote of thanks was accorded to the author. The Secretary read for Mr. J. French a paper entitled "Notes on the late prolonged Frost," upon which a short discussion arose, carried on by Prof. Meldola, Mr. Wire, Mr. Fitch, and others, the latter reminding members that such notes were just the kind of communications they desired for the Essex Naturalist. The introductory portions of an elaborate paper on "The Cryptogamic Flora of Kelvedon and its neighbourhood ; compiled from the collections and notes made during half a century by the late E. G. Varenne," was read for Mr. Marquand (see ante, pp. 1-30), by the Secretary, who referred to the very valuable character of the paper, and moved a very hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Marquand for the trouble he had taken in compiling the lists. A very large number of specimens, drawings, photographs, &c., were exhibited by Mr. Crouch, Mr. Fitch, Mr. Wire and others, and the usual service of light refreshment brought the meeting to a close. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31st, 1890. [Read and adopted at the Annual Meeting, on January 31st, 1891.] The Council is glad to report that the considerable accession of new members which commenced some few years back still continues, and more than compen- sates for the usual number of resignations and removals from various causes. During the past year 42 persons have joined the Club. Until the Council D 2