38 ANNUAL REPORT OF * "On the Occurrence of Cyclostoma elegans in a living state at Felstead," J. French, with Remarks by W. H. Dalton. .* "The 'Silting up' of the River Roding." Henry Stock. * "The Sanitary Condition of Essex." Dr. J. C. Thresh. * "On the Nature of some of the Gravel Patches in Essex" (Review). T. V. Holmes, F.G.S. * "Concerning certain Rivers in Essex." Thomas M. Blackie, F.S.A. * "The Channel of Drift in the Valley of the Cam" (Review). T. V. Holmes, F.G.S. * "The Lapland Bunting ; an Addition to the Avifauna of Essex." Rev. H. A. Macpherson, M.A. * "John Ray, the Naturalist." Prof. Boulger, F.L.S. * " Rats and Mice in Essex." E. A. Fitch, F.L.S. * " The Threatened Destruction of the Essex Oyster Culture." Editor. * "Memoir of the late John Brown, F.G.S., of Stanway." A. P. Wire. "On the Undulations of the Chalk in Essex." W. H. Dalton, F.G.S. * "Note on Punctured Pottery found at Fryerning." F. W. Reader. * "Notes on the Carices of the Epping Forest Area." Robert Paulson. * "Danbury Camp, Essex." F. C. J. Spurrell, F.G.S. * "An Essex Curlew Sandpiper." Rev. H. A. Macpherson, M.A. * "On some Sections between West Thurrock and Stifford, on the Grays and Upminster Railway." T. V. Holmes, F.G.S. * " Haesten's Camps at Shoebury and Benfleet, Essex." F. C. J. Spurrell, F.G.S. * " The Estuaries of the Orwell and the Stour," Dr. J. E. Taylor, F.G.S. "The Early Magnetic Experiments of Gilbert of Colchester." Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson, D.Sc., &c. * "Note on the Upminster Brickyard, 1890." W. H. Dalton, F.G.S. * "Acidalia marginepunctata in Essex" E. A. Fitch, F.L.S. * "Benjamin Allen, of Braintree." E. A. Fitch, F.L.S. * "Notes on the Mineral Spring on Tyler's Common." Walter Crouch. * "Notes on Hydrobia jenkinsi." Edgar A. Smith, F.L.S. * "List of Land and Fresh-water Mollusca occurring in the Neighbour- hood of Bishop's Stortford." Edwin G. Ingold. "Essex Meteorological Records." Rev. T. A. Preston, M.A., F.R.Met.Soc. "Notes on Dipsacus sylvestris and D. pilosus and their Natural Relation- ship." J. French. * "The Butterflies of Essex." E. A. Fitch, F.L.S. "Biographical Notice of Ezekiel George Varenne." Prof. G.S. Boulger. F.L.S In addition many short papers and notes have been printed, as well as extended reports of the meetings of the Club. Field Meetings have been held at Kelvedon and Coggeshall, when the members were most hospitably received at Felix Hall, by Captain R. B. Colvin (High Sheriff) and Mrs. Watson ; at Waltham Abbey, when Col. W. H. Noble kindly allowed a visit to the Government Powder Mills, and acted as cicerone ; in Epping Forest ; at Walton-on-Naze ; a dredging excursion in company with members of the Ipswich Scientific Society on the Orwell and Stour ; at Col- chester, in memory of Dr. Gilberd, the first electrician, in company with the members of the Gilbert Club, on which occasion a most brilliant reception was accorded to the Societies by the Mayor, in the Town Hall ; at Tyler's Common and Upminster Hall, where again the Club was received most cordially by our kind member Mr. G. P. Hope, and lastly the nth Annual Cryptogamic Meeting was held in Hatfield Forest, by courteous permission of our member Mr. J. Archer Houblon. In the last report the Council gratefully acknowledged the hos- pitality and friendliness so often freely shown to the Club. What was then said can but be repeated—such kindnesses form some of the most pleasant reminiscences of each year's work. Full reports of the above meetings appear in the Essex