THE COUNTY OF ESSEX. 49 METEOROLOGY. The following table is compiled from the daily observations made at the Climatological Station of the Royal Meteorological Society at Chelmsford. Latitude 51° 44' N. Longitude 0°30' E. Height above sea-level 135 feet. The lowest temperature recorded was on December 22nd, when the min. thermometer registered 4°3 or nearly 28° below freezing point. The highest temperature, 79.5, was recorded on August 6th. The atmosphere was dryest during May, when the relative humidity was only 67.4. The air was most moist during February and September, yet this latter month was the month of least rainfall. Probably this coincidence had some relation to the extensive preva- lence of typhoid which commenced in that month. The rainfall for the year was a little below the average for the past ten years, Mr. Impey's register at Bloomfield Hall giving 22.5 in. as the average for that period. A Dry February.—Mr. W. H. Penrose, J.P., of the Rookery, Dedham, writes as follows : "A month without a drop of rain is beyond my former experience. Such has been the month of February, 1891, the moisture registered being the result of the dense fogs so generally experienced, .01 inch (fog) was registered on Feb. 4, 6, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 ; and .01 inch on Feb. I (white frost). The total for the month was .09 inches."