THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEYTON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. 157 there, and also in other meadows in the Abridge district. I often searched for it among the grass of the marshes about Leyton, but without success. Smerinthus ocellatus. Several larvae of this species were taken on Salix by Mr. E. B. Poulton and myself, near the Wake Arms in 1887. I have no record of the species from Leyton. S. populi. Fairly common ; taken at light, on the wing, and occasionally at rest on fences. S. tiliae. One specimen at rest on fence ; "Chestnut Walk." Sphinx convolvuli. Two specimens seen hovering over a bed of geraniums in September, 1868; one was captured, the other escaped. Sphinx ligustri. Fairly common on the wing in 1868 and 1869. All my captures were made at the flowers of the honeysuckle growing round the trunk of an apple-tree. I never saw the moth visit any other flowers in the garden. Choerocampa elpenor. Fairly common in 1868 and 1869 ; taken on the wing at honeysuckle with the last species. C. porcellus. One at honeysuckle, June 29th, 1869. Macroglossa stellatarum. Frequently seen in district; once captured over a scarlet geranium in the garden. M. fuciformis. Never seen in Leyton garden, but taken somewhat freely in certain seasons at High Beach, over rhododen- dron, by Mr. H. A. Cole. M. bombyliformis. Taken at High Beach by Mr. H. A. Cole with the preceding species, but much rarer. Sesia tipuliformis. Common in the garden on the leaves of currant bushes in early morning, and during bright sunshine on the flowers of Syringa. S. myopiformis. Fairly common on trunk of an apple-tree in early morning, and on flowers of Syringa by day. Hepialus hectus. Common in Forest; never seen in garden. H. lupulinus. Not common in garden, commoner in Forest; on the wing at dusk, and on fences by day. H. sylvinus. This species is known to occur along the lanes in the Chingford district. The only record I have is from the neigh- bourhood of Higham Park, August 9th, 1874. H. humuli. Fairly common on wing at dusk, many more females than males being captured.