166 THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEYTON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. E. punctaria. Not uncommon in Forest; not taken in garden. E. trilinearia. Fairly common among beech woods in Forest. E. omicronaria. Not uncommon in Forest; not taken in garden. E. pendularia. Occasionally in Forest; once taken in garden. Asthena canditata. Abundant in Forest; not so common in garden. A. sylvata. Rare in Forest. Acidalia scutulata. Common in Forest; less common in garden. A bisetata. Very common in Forest and garden. A. trigeminata. Occasionally in Forest. A. osseata. Very common in Forest and garden. A. incanana. Abundant in garden and Forest. A. subsericeata. Occasionally in Forest; flies with A. canditata, which it closely resembles on the wing. (See Ent. Mo. Mag., vol. ix., p. 163.) A. remutata. Very common in Forest; rare in garden. A. imitaria. Fairly common in Forest; occasionally in garden. A. aversata. Abundant in garden and Forest, and on fences. A. inornata. Rare in Forest; never taken in garden. A. emarginata. Not uncommon in Forest. Timandra amataria. Occasionally along lanes towards Chingford. Cabera pusaria. Very common in Forest; occasionally in garden. C. exanthemaria. Common in Forest; occasionally in garden. Corycia temerata. Not uncommon in Forest. C. taminata. Occasionally in Forest. Aleucis pictaria. Not uncommon over blackthorn blossom in Forest. Halia wavaria. Swarmed in garden ; less common in Forest. Panagra petraria. Common in heathy parts of Forest. Numeria pulveraria. I have seen series of this moth from the Forest near High Beach. Fidonia atomaria. Abundant in heathy parts of Forest. Abraxas grossulariata. Abundant in garden and Forest. The larva was commonly beaten from blackthorn.