168 THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEYTON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. E. vulgata. Common in garden and Forest. E. assimilata. Common in garden. E. abbreviata. Occasionally in garden. E. exiguata. Occasionally in garden. E. sobrinata. Occasionally in garden. E. pumilata. Not uncommon in garden and Forest. E. rectangulata. Common in garden. Thera variata. Not uncommon in Forest; by no means so common as in Surrey and Kent. Hypsipites elutata. Fairly common in Forest; but never so common as I have found it in the woods of Surrey and Kent. Melanthia rubiginata. Not uncommon in Forest. It is one of the first geometers to appear on the wing at dusk. M. ocellata. Fairly common in Forest; rare in garden. Melanippe rivata. Not uncommon in Forest; never in garden. M. subtristata. Fairly common in Forest ; never in garden. M. montanata. Common in Forest; rare in garden. M. fluctuata. Abundant throughout district. Anticlea badiata. Fairly common in Forest. A. derivata. Not uncommon in Forest. Coremia propugnata. Occasionally in Forest; never in garden. C. ferrugata. Common in Forest; less common in garden. C. unidentata. Fairly common in Forest. Neither this nor the preceding are so common as in Surrey. Camptogramma bilineata. Abundant throughout district. Scotosia dubitata. Not uncommon in garden. S. certata. Occasionally in garden. S. undulata. I have seen this species taken once or twice in the Forest. Cidaria corylata. Not uncommon in the Forest. C. russata. Fairly common in the Forest; but not so abundant as in other parts of the country where the species occurs. C. suffumata. Not uncommon in Forest.6 C. testata. Occasionally in heathy parts of Forest; a rarity as compared with the abundance of this species in other districts. 6 I have no record of C. prunata ; the species may occur, however, in the district. Its absence would be remarkable, seeing that it is a common garden insect in Kent, Surrey and Sussex, and in the west of England, In 1888 it was almost the only species on the wing in a garden at Chippen- ham.