THE LEPIDOPTERA OF LEYTON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. 169 C. fulvata. Not uncommon in Forest. C. pyraliata. Occasionally in garden and Forest. C. dotata. Abundant in garden. Pelurga comitata. Somewhat rare in garden. Eubolia cervinata. I took this species once or twice in a lane leading from the garden to the marshes. E. mensuraria. Common in Forest. E. palumbaria. Common in Forest. Anaitis plagiata. Occasionally in Forest. Chesias spartiata. Not uncommon in larval form on broom in the Forest. Tanagra chserophyllata. My mother has taken this species in the Forest ("Gilberts Slade"). DELTOIDES) Hypena proboscidalis. Common in garden and Forest. H. rostralis. Abundant in garden. Hypenodes albistrigalis. Once or twice at sugar in Forest ("Rushey Plain"). Herminia tarsipennalis. Fairly common in Forest. H. nemoralis. Occasionally in garden. PYRALIDES. Pyralis costalis. Common in garden and Forest. P. farinalis. Common in garden and about the premises. P. glaucinalis. Occasionally in garden. Aglossa pinguinalis. Common in garden and stables. A. cuprealis. Once or twice in garden. Pyrausta purpuralis. Occasionally in heathy parts of Forest. Endotricha flammealis. Abundant in Forest. Cataclysta lemnata. Abundant over standing water through- out district. Paraponyx stratiotata. Occasionally at light and over ponds. Botys verticalis. Abundant among nettles. B. fuscalis. Once in Forest. B. urticalis. Abundant everywhere. 7 The species in this and the following tribe are very imperfectly recorded, as I was but little acquainted with them at the time. The list will no doubt be largely added to by others. M