WITH A LIST OF SPECIES OBSERVED. 229 Order PULMONOBRANCHIATA. Family LIMNAEIDAE. Planorbis nautileus, L. Local; abundant between Green- hithe and Darenth Creek; also few associated with Hydrobia jenkinsi, Plumstead Marshes. P. spirobis, Mull. Common ; and generally distributed. P. vortex, L. Somewhat more local; Tilbury Marsh. P. carinatus, Mull. Local; near Abbey Wood. P. complanatus, L. Common upon the Marshes both sides of the river. P. corneus, L. Local. Specimens from the Marshes are not generally so fine as those inhabiting the adjacent ponds and ditches. P. contortus, L. Very local ; few from ditch, West Tilbury Marsh. Physa hypnorum, L. A few shells in ditch upon Plumstead Marshes. P fontinalis, Linn. Common ; and widely distributed. Var. inflata, Moq. Marsh near Abbey Wood Station. Var. oblonga, Jeff. One specimen ; ditto, ditto. Limnaea peregra, Mull. The commonest fresh water shell upon the Marshes. Var. ovata, Drap. Near Abbey Wood Station. Var. acuminata, Jeff. Ditto, ditto. Var. labiosa, Jeff. Few specimens ; Plumstead Marshes. Var. scalariforme, Jeff. Two shells only at Abbey Wood. L. stagnalis, L. Local ; a few at Purfleet; also in pond Shooter's Hill. Var. albida, Jeff. One shell; Coldharbour Marshes, near Purfleet. L. palustris, Mull. Common; everywhere. L. truncatula, Mull. Scarce and local; Plumstead and Erith Marshes. Order PULMONIFERA. Family ARIONIDAE. At present I have recorded six species only of slugs from the Marshes and immediate neighbourhood. Arion ater, L. (Black Slug.) Plumstead Marshes. One specimen kept in captivity attained the length of 81/2 inches when