230 NOTES ON THE MOLLUSCA OF THE THAMES ESTUARY, fully extended. The Arions are partially carnivorous, and are occa- sionally guilty of cannibalism. Family LIMACIDAE. Amalia marginata, L. Common all along Kentish Marshes. Limax flavus, L. (Cellar Slug.) Sparsely distributed. L. maximus, L. One specimen from near Abbey Wood. L. agrestis, L. Very common upon the Marshes. Family TESTACELLIDAE. Testacella haliotidea, Drap. A number of specimens have been collected by the Rev. J. W. Horsley, in his garden at Wool- wich. Family HELICIDAE. Succinea putris, L. Upon reeds at the sides of ditches in the Marshes upon both sides of the river. S. elegans, Risso. Same habitat as the last. This species differs from the former, being smaller, less robust, with a longer spire, the suture of which is more oblique. Vitrina pellucida, Mull. Scarce and local; under stones, and among decaying leaves at Bostal Wood. Zonites (Hyalina) cellarius, Mull. General in the Kentish Marshes. Z. nitidulus, Drap. A few shells from Belvedere. Helix aspersa, Mull. Common and general. Var. exalbida, Menke. Few near Dartford. H. nemoralis, Mull. Very common in Marshes (Kent) from Plumstead to Gravesend. Var. albolabiata, Von Mart. Near Abbey Wood. Var. bimarginata, Moq. Plumstead Marshes. Var. libellula, Risso. (Shell, yellow.) Common ; and general. Var. rubella, Moq. (Shell, pink.) Ditto, ditto. Var. castanea, Moq. (Shell, brown.) Belvedere. Var. olivacea, Gassies. (Shell, olive.) Abbey Wood and Cobham. H. hortensis, Mull. Woolwich, Shooter's Hill, Dartford, and Cobham. Var. albina, Moq. (Shell, whitish.) Woolwich.