INDEX TO VOLUME V. Aceras anthropophora at Terling, 68. Algae, Marine, observed between Har- wich and Dovercourt, 263. Amalgamation of Chelmsford Museum with E.F.C, scheme for, 32, 69. Annelids, British, with especial reference to the Earthworms of Essex, 193, 237. Annual General Meeting, 31. Annual Report of Council, 35. Apamea ophiogramma at Woodford, 260. Aquatic Plants of the Thames Marshes, some notes on, 261. Arkwright, Col. A. C, Poisonous Laburnum Seeds, 204. Asheldham, Badger at, 134. "Assembling" of Geometer Moths, 171. Badger at Asheldham, 134. Barking Side, visit to, 183. Basham, J., A voracious eel, 135. Beadle, W. J., M.P., takes chair at Public Meeting for Museum, etc., 69. Benham, C. E., conducts at meeting at St. Osyth, 254. "Bibliography of Essex," 30, 263. Bird, G. W., Coleophora vibicigerella, in Essex, 135. Bolide of November 20th, 1887, 44. Botany of Chelmer river, 250-252. Boulder-clay in Essex (correspondence), 109, 133. Boulger, Prof. G. S., Essex Worthies II., E. G. Varenne, of Kelvedon, 42. Brightlingsea, Oyster Fisheries, 257 ; visit to, 259-260. Buckhurst Hill, Testacella scutulum at, 130. Bures, Puffin at, 46. Burnham, Notes on Common Rorqual lately stranded near, 35, 124. Bustards, immigration of, during past winter, 111.. Butterflies of Essex, 74. Buxton, E. N., "Homing" instinct in Hyla arborea, 134. Cabinets of Natural History Specimens for circulation among the Village Schools of Essex, 186. Chalk, Undulations of, in Essex, 113. CHANCELLOR, F., on small rainfall of last eight months, 112. Charlesworth, Ed., on Formation of Flints, 182. Chelmer river, history of the naviga- tion, 248 ; Meeting on, 247-248 ; Otters and Kingfishers in, 73 scenery and geology of, 197. Chelmsford, Geological ramble around, 209; notes on Glacial formations near, 191 ; to Maldon, ramble, 205. Chelmsford Museum, Meeting in, 31 ; and Essex Field Club, 32. Christy, Miller, Remarks on distri- bution of Bardfield Oxlip in Essex, 123. Clarke,Joseph,quotes "Poor Robin's Perambulation from Saffron Walden to London," 182. Clay Hall, visit to, 185. Cole, H. A., original drawings of Higham Park, 130, 138, 143,