iv INDEX TO VOLUME V. Cole, W., "Assembling" of Geometer Moths, 171 ; notes on Enclosure of Sale Wood, 129 ; Meteorite of Nov- ember 20th, 1887, 44 ; More Epping Forest, 137; Spotted Eagles in Essex, 219. Coleophora vibicigerella in Essex, 135. Colne, Oyster Fishery, notes on, 257 ; Sea Lamphrey in, 134. Constable John, and Valley of the Stour, 172. Cooky's "Illustrations of British Fungi," 136. Council, Annual Report of, 35 ; new members of, 31. County Council, Deputation to, 34 ; and Essex Field Club, 173. Cranmer-Byng, Col. A. M., receives the Club at Quendon Hall, 180. Crouch River, A Day on the, 35, 145 ; Luminous appearance of, 205 ; Oysters and Mussels in, in 1891, 203 ; Rorquals in, 35, 124, 134. Crouch, Walter, conducts at visit to Hainault Forest, Barking Side, etc., 183 ; exhibits distorted form of Limnea palustris, 181 ; exhibits and describes forms of invertebrate life, 131 ; Mollusca at St. Osyth Point and at E. Mersea (note), 259 ! Notes on a female specimen of Common Ror- qual lately stranded near Burnham, etc., 35, 124. Cryptogamic Flora of Kelvedon, I. Cryptogamic Meeting, Postponement of 12th, 260. DALTON, W. H.. Boulder-clay in Essex, 109, 133 ; Remarks on Mr French's paper on Westleton Beds in N.W, Essex, 217 ; on Fault at Wickham Bishop, 204 ; on Undulations of Chalk in Essex, 113. Danbury, visit to, 205. Day, A, on the Crouch River, 145. Deputation to County Council, re Technical Instruction, 34. Diplotaxis tennifolia at St. Osyth Priory, 257. Dipsacus sylvestris and D. pilosus, Notes on their natural relationship, 233. Dredging, in Crouch River, 145 ; in the Orwell and Stour, 242. Dunmow, Little, Well at, 216. Eagles, Spotted, at Elmstead and Leigh, 218. Earthworms of Essex, 193, 237 ; an Appeal, 135. Educational Value of Museums, 71. Eel, voracious, 135. Elmstead, Spotted Eagle at, 218. Enock, F., Lecture on Hessian Fly, 263. Epping Forest, More, 137 ; Rubi of, additions and corrections, 189. Essex, Bibliography of, 30, 263. Essex, Boulder-clay in, 109, 133 ; Range of Primrose and Bardfield Oxlip in N.W., 120, 132 ; Vital statistics for, 47, 132 ; Water Supply, 137 ; Westleton Beds in parts of N.W., 210 ; Wild Swans in, no. Essex Field Club, Eleventh Annual General Meeting, 31 ; Amalgamation with Chelmsford Museum, 32, 69 ; Ramble from Chelmsford to Maldon, 205 ; and County Council of Essex, 173; Postponement of Twelfth Annual Cryptogamic Meeting, 260 ; Deputation to County Council, 34 ; Geological Ramble around Chelms- ford, 209; Meeting in Hainault Forest District and Barking Side, 183 ; Meeting at Higham Park, 129 ; Joint Meeting with Ipswich Scientific Society at Ipswich and on Orwell and Stour Rivers, 241 ; Local (Essex) Museum, etc., 32, 69; Excursion from Maldon to Chelmsford along river, 247,; Meeting at Newport, Quendon, etc., 178 ; Ordinary Meet- ings, 31, 34, 129, 181, 185, 253, 256, 260, and 262 ; Report of Council for 1890, 31 ; Meeting at St. Osyth and Brightlingsea, 254 ; Special Meet-