INDEX TO VOLUME V. V ings, 32 and 130 ; Technical Instruc- tion Scheme, 33, 34 ; Treasurer's Statement, 40. Essex Worthies II., E. G. Varenne, 42 ; III., Dr. William Gilbert, 50. "Fairlop Oak," 183. "Fault," the Wickham Bishop, 204. February, a dry, 49. Felstead, Ancient Pottery at, 205 ; Lake Remains at (paper read), 262 ; Uncommon Plants at, 136 ; new- Well at, 204. Fitch, E. A , A Day on the Crouch River, 35, 145 ; conducts Meeting on Chelmer River, 247 ; Notes on History of Blackwater and Chelmer Navigation, 248 ; Lepidoptera of Essex, Part i., Butterflies, 74 ; on Primula elatior in Essex, 132. Flints, formation of (address), 182. Flower, Prof. W. H., on Educational Value of Museums, 71. Gearies, Great, visited, 184; Little, received at, by Mrs. Edenborough, 184. Geology and Scenery of Club's Voyage from Maldon to Chelmsford, 197. Geological Ramble around Chelmsford, 209. Geometer Moths, "Assembling" of, 171. Gilbert, Dr. William, Founder of the Science of Electricity, 50. Glacial Formations near Chelmsford, Notes on, 191. Gravels, Hill, North of Thames, 204. "Great Graces," visit to, 206. Gulls, Sea, in London, 73. Hainault Forest, visit to district, 183. Harwich, Marine Algae and Flowering Plants at, 263 ; Pied Flycatcher near, 68 ; visit to, 246. Helices noticed near Newport, 180. Hessian Fly (lecture upon), 263. Higham Park, acquisition of, 137 ; visit to, 129. Highest land in Essex, 172. Hill Gravels, north of Thames, 204. Hippuris vulgaris, 172. Holmes, E. M., Notes on Marine Algae and Flowering Hants observed be- tween Harwich and Dovercourt, 263. Holmes, T. V., Geological Scenery of the Club's Voyage from Maldon to Chelmsford, 197. "Homing" instincts of Hyla arborea, 134. Honorary Member, election of, 130. Houblon, J. Archer, death of, 260. Hydrobia ventrosa at St. Osyth Point, 259 ; H. jenkinsi, 260. Ingleby, Mrs., receives Club at "Valentines," 185. Ingold, Edwin G., Mollusca of neigh- bourhood of Bishop's Stortford, addi- tions and corrections, 202. Insects noted during meeting on Chelmer, 253. Flowering Plants, near Harwich, 264 ; of Chelmer River, 250, 252. Flycatcher, Pied, near Harwich, 68. French, J., Ancient (? British) Pottery at Felstead, 205 ; Boulder-clay in Essex, 133 ; Lake remains at Fel- stead (paper read), 262; exhibits distorted form of Limnea palustris, 181 ; Otters and Kingfishers in Chelmer, 73 ; Range of Primrose and Bardfield Oxlip in N.W. Essex, 120, 132 ; Notes on late Prolonged Frost, 35, 66 ; late nesting of Rooks at Felstead, 202 ; Notes on Teasels (Dipsacus sylvestris and D. pilosus) and their natural relationship, 233 ; new Well at Felstead, 204 ; on occurrence of Westleton Beds in parts of N.W. Essex, 210, 217. Friend, Rev. Hilderic, Essex Earth- worms, an appeal, 135; British Annelids, with especial reference to the Earthworms of Essex, 193, 237. Frost, Great, of 1890-91, 117 ; Notes on Recent Prolonged, 35, 64, 66. Fungi, Cooke's "Illustrations'' of, 136.