vi INDEX TO VOLUME V. Invertebrate life, forms of, exhibited and described, 131. Ipswich, meeting at, 241 ; visit to Museum, 242 ; Red Crag collections in Museum, 242. Ipswich Scientific Society, joint meet- ing- with, 241. Jenkins, A. J., Notes on Aquatic Plants of Thames marshes, 261 ; Notes on Mollusca of Thames estuary, with list of species, 220, 260 ; presents specimens to Club, 261. Johnston, Andrew, conducts at Meeting at Higham Park, 129. "Journal of Proceedings of Essex Field Club," publication of pt. 2, vol. iv., of, 263. Kelvedon, The Cryptogamic Flora of, 1 ; (paper read), 35. King, Rev. R. Stuart, on Spotted Eagle at Leigh, 218. Laburnum seeds poisonous, 204. Lach-Szyrma, Rev. W. S., conducts at visit to Hainault Forest district and Barking Side, &c., 183. Lamprey, Sea, in Colne, 134. Land, Highest, in Es:ex, 172. Laver, Dr. H., on Local Museum, 72 ; Puffin at Bures, 46 ; Sea Lamprey in Colne, 134 ; Spotted Eagle at Elmstead, 218 ; Wildfowl in Essex, 68. Laver, Dr., and J. C. Shenstone, Notes on Colne Oyster Fishery, 257. Leigh, Spotted Eagle at, 218. Lepidoptera, captures of, in Essex, 171 ; of Essex, Pt. i., Butterflies, 74; of Leyton and neighbourhood, 153. Limnia palustris, distorted form of, 181. Lizard, Sand, supposed occurrence of (a correction), 111. Local (Essex) Museum, 32 ; Public Meeting in support of, 69. Luminous appearance of Crouch River, 205. Maldon to Chelmsford, excursion from, along Chelmer, 247 ; Geology and Scenery of Club's Voyage from, 197 ; Ramble from Chelmsford to, 205. Marine Algae on Essex coast, 24; Zoology of Meeting on Orwell and Stour Rivers, 242-245. MARQUAND, E. D., The Cryptogamic Flora of Kelvedon, 1, 35. Melampyrum arvense in Essex, 203. Meldola, Prof. R., the Lepidoptera of Leyton and neighbourhood, 153. Meteorite of Nov. 20th, 1887, 44. Meteorology of Essex, 1890, 49. Mollusca, of neighbourhood of Bishop's Stortford, additions and corrections, 202 ; of Chelmer, 252-253 ; from Epping (exhibited), 131; observed in Orwell and Stour Estuaries, 244 ; of Roding Valley, 112 ; at St. Osyth Point and Mersea (note), 259 ; of Thames Estuary, 220, 260. Monckton, H. W., Boulder-clay in Essex, 109 ; conducts Geological Ramble around Chelmsford, 209 ; Notes on Glacial Formations near Chelmsford, 191 ; Land and Fresh- water Shells of Roding Valley, 112 ; Remarks on Mr. French's paper on Westleton Beds in N.W. Essex, 217. Monk Wood, in Loughton, 174. More Epping Forest, 137. Museum Scheme, 32 ; Public Meeting in favour of, 69. Natural History Specimens for circula- tion among the Village Schools of Essex, 168. Newport, visit to, 178 ; Church, 179. Officers for 1891, 32. OLDHAM, C, Apamea ophiogramma at Woodford, 260. "Old Riffham's," visit to, 206. Origin of our Native Plants, 207, Orwell and Stour Rivers, dredging in, 241.